[Plugin: Cart66 Lite] v1.1 – unable to checkout – cart always empty
don’t have any problems with 1.0.8, but with 1.1 when i add an item to the cart, then view the cart, then click checkout, the cart is empty and “your cart is empty” is displayed.
also the form for customer information is displayed for digital downloads.
12bytes.org, but i’m running 1.0.8
problem was DB Cache Reloaded Fix – it works with Cart66 1.0.8, but not with 1.1
As of Cart66 1.1 the “session” data for Cart66 is stored in the database. We did this for a several reasons. It resolves the “incomplete object” issues when other plugins call session_start() before cart66 is loaded. Also, if you are running a load balanced server cluster, the cart data needs to be available to all the servers in the cluster. Having the cart session data in the database allows all the servers in the cluster to access the cart data whereas this would be very difficult using the filesystem based session management in PHP.
ah, that explains the cache problem. thanks for the info!
i re-rated earlier and changed status to “working” by the way.I am having this same problem…. but I dont have any cache system on… Do you have any ideas of what the problem might be?
don’t know if i can be of any use, but did you try deactivating and reactivating?
are you using any security plugs that might interfere?
try disabling all other plugins that might conflict?
Like wp.Man said, try deactivating and activating again. Cart66 1.1 needs an additional database table to be installed which will happen when you activate the plugin. Let me know if that solves the problem. Thanks!
Testing out Cart66 Lite, before we go ahead with a multi-license version.
Have built a test site, as a mirror of a live site for a client, which needs to be fully e-commerce with PayPal Payments Pro.
Having the same issue as above posts. When an item is added to the cart, the “cart” page automatically loads, the shortcode [cart] on the page shows the shopping basket with the item chosen, but the sidebar shopping cart says “empty”. When one clicks the ‘checkout’ button, the “checkout” pages says “shopping cart is empty”.
Whilst on the “cart” and “checkout” pages, the main menu text is reflowing oversized, as if the theme’s CSS is being over-ridden, or there is a conflict.
What could be causing this? Below is a screen shot of the “cart” page.
Perhaps you might have an idea, reality66? Or anyone else?
We just deployed an update, Cart66 Lite version 1.1.2, that should fix the empty cart problem. It’s free and ready to download now.
This “empty cart” problem appears to have 2 potential causes.
1) The cart66_session table does not exist.
Cart66 1.1 needs one extra table to store the state of the shopping cart that previous versions of Cart66 did not use. This extra table is installed during plugin activation.2) Using a version of PHP prior to version 5.2.3.
Cart66 1.1 was relying on a callback function to save the state of the shopping cart between page views that was calling a static method of a class using a syntax that became available as of PHP 5.2.3. So if you were using a version of PHP older than 5.2.3 the callback was skipped and the changes you make to the cart (like adding products) would not persist between page views.The Cart66 1.1.2 release fixes this by changing the syntax used in the callback function to a format that older versions of PHP can handle.
In addition, the Cart66 1.1.2 release adds hooks for easier 3rd party extensions for Cart66. The hooks are cart66_after_add_to_cart, cart66_after_update_cart, cart66_after_remove_item, and cart66_after_order_saved. We’ll be updating the documentation on how to use the hooks shortly.
The Cart66 Lite version 1.1.2 seems to have fixed the “cart empty” problem for Mozilla and for Safari but not for Internet Explorer 9 or Chrome (latest version). Chrome and IE are still showing the same message when you try and checkout. Would upgrading to pro fix this issue or not? Please fix this ASAP, I am likely to use mostly pro versions of this plugin if I am able to provide the lite version as an option to my customers. I’m confident that they will want to upgrade to pro because of the extra features even if they start out on the lite version. Thanks very much, it seems like it will be a great plugin ??
@devon – i just tested this and had the same problem, though resetting IE permissions fixed this. in particular, check that IE works with default cookie and JS permissions.
i cannot speak for chrome
the problem here is that, if cookies/JS are restricted/denied, then i think C66 should catch this so it can prompt the user rather than leave the user frustrated and wondering why their cart is always empty.
@devon – I am having trouble reproducing this error. I’ve tested in both IE (on windows) and Chrome (on windows and mac) and the cookie seems to be getting set in every case. I’ve read that IE may have trouble setting cookies if you the site your are testing is referenced by “localhost” but I haven’t been able to confirm that. I’ll keep looking into this and if anyone else has any insight on how to improve the reliability of the cookie getting set, please let me know.
The syntax used to set the cookie is this:
$domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; setcookie('Cart66SID', $sessionId, 0, '/', $domain);
Cart66SID: The name of the cookie
$sesisonId: A unique string to identify the session
0: The expiration time – expire when browser closes
/: The path – cookie available to entire domain
$domain: The domain that the cookie is available toThanks!
Hi reality66. I am currently using localhost for testing and this is likely the problem from the sound of things. This is great news and I will test this later tonight when I am free. Thanks very much for the info sir ??
Hi reality66
Have installed the Cart66 Lite version 1.1.2, but still getting 2 errors:
1 – Cart empty
2 – All pages related to the shopping cart default to a standard font, ignoring our Cufon font in the menu, the sidebars, headings, etc.My guess is a conflict of some sort related to the theme and Cart66??
We’re very ready to try out the Pro version of Cart66, but doubt this will change anything.
These errors occur across all browsers.
Any ideas?
Hello Lee
I think I have a conflict between the file “jquery_1.3.2.js” and some js file with Cart66.
Any ideas which this could be?
The conflict is causing a font problem, and the “your cart is empty” error.
Help!!! : )
@whatbox – this might be plugin conflict. try disabling and re-enabling until you find it. i’d be curious to know what plugin is causing it if you care to post back.
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