I said in a previous post:
I AM USING THESE MODIFICATIONS TO Version Beta of Business Directory ( NOt sure if you are using the same version or are using 0.8.5?
I also see a line with double slashes in your source code:
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script>
I can still read the file in Firefox and Safari, but I really don’t know if all browsers/servers are as forgiving?? Might not be relevant, but just something I noticed.
I also tried to read your Business Directory plugin config file, but got this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home/bestva/public_html/ on line 5
Wish I could be helful here. All I did was take the hotfix ( referred to above by everdawn and make that snippet easier to use w/o having to hunt through code and risk pasting errors. I do see on another thread that someone suggests just fixing a variable in the 0.8.5 functions.php file to handle an array:
from a comment about 0.8.5 beta on
The issue people are having with phone numbers and other contacts not showing is a BUG in the way the fields are referenced.
The 0.8.5beta is using $l->company_url format which is not correct as the $l is an array, not an object.
$l[“company_url”] is the correct format. Lines 251 – 256 of Functions.php is where this code needs to be changed.
It has been a while since I worked with this plugin and I don’t have time now to mess with comparisons between 0.8.5 and, but maybe IF YOU ARE USING 0.8.5 the change from $l->company_url $l[“company_url”] will help you ? ? I’d just be sure to backup the functions.php file before messing with it.