I am not a fan of trying to block IP’s and hostnames on a long term basis because IP addresses and hostnames are very easily spoofed. Login protection based on IP and hostnames is different and very important so I don’t want to send the wrong message here.
I have a very large collection of hacker scripts and delivery systems that i use for research.
It is very easy to code an automated IP address / hostname changer based on Time and the more advanced hacker scripts already have this. ie change my IP address and/or hostname every X seconds. ie If my IP address / hostname is banned change my IP/hostname.
The difference with using bans in login protection plugins is that you are causing the Brute Force Password Cracking script to only get X amount of attempts before being banned. The script then has to “restart” itself and this is an inconvenience that will usually cause a hacker bot to go elsewhere for easier targets.
So my answer is no i will never be adding any long term IP / hostname banning to BPS because I am instead focusing on an “action” approach to website security.
X does this bad action and Y is the result = Forbidden
No matter what their IP address or hostname is the action will not be allowed.