Thanks. I was able to customize the Chatbox. But still I have a few suggestions:
1. Adding Persian is very complicated the way you explained it and on every upgrade one loses the changes. Can you add the language to the plugin core codes? I am ready to translate the files for you. One more suggestion in this regard: currently you have two sets of language files, one for the plugin and one for the content of the chatbox. I think it would be better you combine them, so if there is a language file for the language the name of the language appears in the dropdown.
2. The name of the sit’e groups in the drop-down menu are the groups’ slugs not their actual name. I think needs to see the groups’ names.
3. The layout of the chat-box is still problematic. Emoticons covers the submit button, and the BBcodes covers the icons for settings, sound, and other icons. The credit on the top is too big so the text for “copyight” and “integrationby” are mixed. The green circle on the top right covers parts of the options when the chat box is switched to a right-to-left language such as Arabic and Hebrew.
All of these might be happening because I do not use the default theme but I think the plugin should consider that not all users use a wide column.
4. I was not able to hide BBcodes and emoticons on the front end.
5. I think you need to place the default Language, BBcodes, emoticons, and the theme should be placed in the ‘Settings’ page in the admin so the administrator can optionally set them up in the backend.
6. Is there any way to have the chat available on every page? Something like this plugin:
7. Is there any way to get rid of the ad?