Nope you can now control the upload sizes!
Via the new Instructions:
you can also set your preferred thumbnail size separately from your default thumbnail size settings, if you wish to do so. You can do that by adding this line to your wp-config.php:
define(‘BPFB_THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE’, ‘200×200’);
Where “200×200” are width and height (in that order), in pixels.
Finally, be sure to verify your default sizes for embedded media. It’s in Settings -> Media -> Embeds -> Maximum embed size
Limiting photo uploads
You also have the capability to limit photo uploads by users. Upon first install the limit will be set to 5. However you can change it to anything you like by adding something like this to your wp-config.php: define(‘BPFB_IMAGE_LIMIT’, 5, true);
So, for an example, to increase the image limit to, say, 10, you would add this to your wp-config.php:
define(‘BPFB_IMAGE_LIMIT’, 10, true);
To remove limits entirely and allow unlimited number of images to be shared, just set it to zero, like this:
define(‘BPFB_IMAGE_LIMIT’, 0, true);