Thanks so much for the lightning fix. I noticed in testing the patched version that in the minified JS the function that sets the eventPopupURL
later used to open the window is setting var a
to "";return g(a).setQuery(this.collection.eventPopupQueryParams()).toString()
which does not return events for me where ""+…
does. Removing tourdates.
has events and the Tickets and More links returning the event. Thinking you would probably be editing unminified original file I checked to see if that was available and it was, thanks for that, this is line 25156 in main.js.
Once I had event links working on new API, I noticed a separate problem later on in the JS (line 25479 in main.js)…
…Creates an unusable cropped popup window (page layout does not respond to small viewport) where passing a version minus ,this.popupOptions(375,627)
…Spawns a full window in a new tab as I would expect and I imagine most downstream consumers of the plugin would also. Thanks again for the attention, and if I can help by committing these proposed changes to the JS somewhere, please let me know.