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  • Just what I was thinking!
    If the author of the plugin cannot provide proper support via the forum then I have no faith in the plugin; especially as there are some very seious problems being ignored.

    Please show the IP address in the Bad Logins section. That way I can tell if someone just forgot their password or someone is trying to guess login usernames. Plus I’d like to know where all the bizarre usernames tried are coming from.

    I’d like to suggest an option with country code, so all other country would be denied in htaccess by default to reach the admin area.

    I made it like this:

    deny from all
    allow from .hu

    Very good plugin, thanks a lot!

    My suggestion is for the layout of contents of the tab “Backup”:

    “Enable Scheduled Backups” yes/no with checkbox is okay.

    The words “which will be emailed to the address below” should be removed.

    The layout of the interval setting is okay.

    But…… the following options should be grouped by radio buttons, not by checkboxes. So it is clear that only one of them can be activated:

    (o) send backups by E-Mail to admin –> SHOW admin’s mailaddress, read-only. Give NO input field!
    (o) send backups by E-Mail –> [input field for custom address]
    (o) keep backup files on server –> [input field for number]

    Having done this, the hint “Please note that this setting only applies if “Send Backups by Email” is not selected.” can be removed.
    That’s much easier to understand, I bet.


    First of thanks for the great plugin.

    I was wondering though, is it posible to build an import / export functionality into the plugin?

    It would be really useful when setting up this plugin on any sites for clients.

    I guessing it may be difficult for parts of the plugins functionality?
    But if people were able to export then import any of there preferred settings, it would be a great time saver.

    Thanks a lot for you efforts.

    While I’m sorry you had a bad experience cuteandbronzed perhaps next time you should try emailing me if you get stuck or read one of the two articles referenced on how to completely remove the plugin should you activate a feature that conflicts with your installation. No, I don’t often post in these forums, I have however been responding to anyone who contacts me for help through any other method. In addition, your accusation that this plugin changes core files is simply wrong. It only modifies the wp-config.pho and .htaccess which are in fact considered settings files and are modified by many plugins in this repository. Both of these changes are in fact documented in the FAQ section on this site under the title “What Is Changed By Better Wp Security.” Finally, I am quite clear that not all the changes in this plugin will work for every site and therefore you must be careiful of what you turn on. With over 400,000 downloads and only 32 total negative reviews and a “working” status over the majority of its history it is clear that the plugin is helping a number of folks and that, as with all plugins of this complexity, it’s problems are rare but possible. For those who do encounter problems and reach out to me however for help not a single site has ever been harmed and in each case the plugin was configured with the options required for the site in question.

    A host, can check the host at has been locked out of the WordPress site at parmanently due to too many attempts to open a file that does not exist. You may login to the site to manually release the lock if necessary.



    A host, (you can check the host at
    has been locked out of the WordPress site at PERMANENTLY due to
    too many attempts to open a file that does not exist.

    You may login to the site to manually release the lock, if necessary.

    I tried to make it more readable and to correct spelling to make it look more polished.

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