• Resolved Michele


    Hi, and thank you for this plug-in!

    After the update today, when I logout I get:

    403 Permission Denied

    You do not have permission for this request /wp-login.php?loggedout=true

    Since the update is the only change that was made today, am thinking there is a connection. (I do get logged out, btw) Do you see anything that may be causing it from BWS?

    Many thanks!


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  • It has been fixed in 3.4.2 (you might need to re-save your system tweaks settings)

    Cool. Thanks.

    I apply the fix, but I still have the error 403 when I’m log out or in.
    I’ve uncheck “Filter Suspicious Query Strings”. Work now.

    Do you plan a new patch or I’m the only one now in this case?

    Thx for your work.

    You get it with filter suspicious query strings? Sounds like a conflict with another plugin in that one. Are you using anything else that would fire at login/logout?

    Yes. But I dont use any other login logout plugin.
    Here is the list of my active plugins:

    Admin Menu Tree Page View
    Bad Behavior
    Better Tag Cloud
    Better WP Security
    Broken Link Checker
    CMS Tree Page View
    Enable Media Replace
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Highslide for WordPress *reloaded*
    HTML Javascript Adder
    Jetpack by WordPress.com
    Kindle This
    Login Logo
    PixoPoint Theme Integrator
    Really Simple CAPTCHA
    Really simple Facebook Twitter share buttons
    Revision Control
    Simple Local Avatars
    Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC)
    ThreeWP Activity Monitor
    TimThumb Vulnerability Scanner
    Twiter Search Widget
    Ultimate Follow Me Plugin by Free Blog Factory
    Widget Logic
    WP Help
    Wp Pagenavi Style
    WP Super Cache

    Any idea?


    @djavet maybe its an idea to first disable all of them to see which one conflicts instead bit51 having to run through all of them?

    @cogmios. Thanks. I don’t even know what they all so I won’t be checking them all.

    @djavet – That is a significant amount of plugins you have going there. Just by the title I could see how certain ones could cause issues (although I have no idea what most of them do) but I’m afraid that unless you can pinpoint the plugin you are having a conflict with I’m not going to be able to be much help to you.


    I will make a copy of the blog and test all plugin one per one, but will take time.
    @bit51, could tell me from the title your notice, the supposed ones which can make problems?

    Thx for your work!

    Hi Dom,

    From you list here is what I would suspect:

    Admin Menu Tree Page View
    Bad Behavior
    Broken Link Checker
    CMS Tree Page View
    Highslide for WordPress *reloaded*
    HTML Javascript Adder
    Jetpack by WordPress.com
    Login Logo
    PixoPoint Theme Integrator
    Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC)
    ThreeWP Activity Monitor
    TimThumb Vulnerability Scanner

    Of course this is only a guess as I’ve never used many of these myself however the functions their titles suggest have caused issues in the past.



    Hi Guys,

    I have installed WP 3.4.2. WP Better Security 3.4.4

    I have a logout link like

    This gives same error 403 as discussed in this thread. I have these 6 plugins.
    Better WP Security
    Exploit Scanner
    User Role Editor
    WP Editor

    But none of these fire anything like login/logout. Any idea how I can resolve the issue.

    As mentioned by @djavet unchecking the field “Filter Suspicious Query Strings” resolves the issue.

    But I don’t want to uncheck this for obvious reasons.

    Any idea how I can trouble shoot ?

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