• Just noticed this the other day, im using the latest version of WordPress with Simple Facebook Connect plugin and BBPress. When SFC or the majority of Facebook ‘Like’ plugins are running along side BBPress, BBPress stops working properly.

    Check out my forum i’ve been testing the past two days


    thats meant to have 5 sub sections to it and DOES when the Facebook plugins are disabled. Its either BBPress or loads of Facebook plugins have the a conflict somewhere..

    Maybes someone could look into this



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  • Thread Starter Steve


    Mingle Forum also fails, it looks like there is definitely a conflict going on amongst the code


    Plugin Author John James Jacoby


    The problem is other plugins hijacking the custom post types and not returning proper results on filtered values. You’ll want to contact the author of the other plugins and have them test their code with bbPress, and anything that uses custom post types.

    Thread Starter Steve


    thanks John, i’ll mention it to the other people if I can get in contact with them. I really want to use BBPress too but need both working ??



    I started a thread on the bbPress forum about it.

    Otto does the SFC plugin, he’s always been pretty adamant that his plugin is not doing anything improperly. I’ll try to run this one by him.

    The like button doesn’t interfere with any of my other CPT based stuff,…..

    Updated bbPress to Beta 3, still no compatibility. I posted up a comment on Otto’s site for the plugin, and added the tags for his plugin to this thread. I’d love to get the 2 playing together nicely. I’m really likeing bbPress, and have gotten pretty used to using SFC, so it’d be ideal to have them cohabitate

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Have you tried the newer SFC? I’m not developing the old one anymore because it’ll probably stop working in September.


    If you can get the same issue here, I’ll investigate it.

    Nope, I’m running 0.25.

    I will give it a go at work tomorrow and see what I get.
    Thanks for the recommendation!

    OK, I have the new-sfc version installed, and the newest bbPress

    Same behaviour. Any of the forum views based on CPTs will not display with the Like button option checked.

    I did toggle the like button on and off to test, it is that module only

    Appreciate your time Otto, SFC is looking good, I like the module integration

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I’m not able to reproduce this. I installed bbPress and the new SFC on a test site and get the same results regardless of Like being checked or not.

    How can I reproduce this issue?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    BTW, the main “Forums” listing is empty regardless of what I seem to do. Nothing displays there even with SFC completely disabled.

    Thread Starter Steve


    This is my test Forum with 2.0 beta 3 of BBPress installed. Im currently using v1.0.1 of WP Buttons and everything is working okay, apart from a couple of formatting issues.

    Im going to try now and enable SFC and see if the forum still works and let you know.

    PS Otto, where can I get the new version of your SFC from, is it a newer one than whats on www.remarpro.com version 0.25?

    My Test Forum:


    Thread Starter Steve


    So as soon as I enabled the SFC Like module the forum’s stop working, just a blank page with the forum title on it. Its definitely something to do with the SFC Like plugin because as I mentioned I have other Like Plugin’s working along side the forum but SFC is by far the best i’ve found so far.


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Yeah, dunno. Maybe it was one of the changes I put in today, but I can’t make it happen.

    I have my test site running with bbPress (and the twentyten child theme) and the new SFC and the Like button (and the Share button) both activated and showing up on the Posts and Pages, and everything seems to work fine. Like button shows up on posts/pages (but not topics/forums and such). The forums show up, sub-forums show up, topics show up, replies show up.. Even the FB meta stuff in the header is correct with the forum and topic views.

    Nothing wrong with it that I can see. Make sure you’re running both the latest bbPress and SFC.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Version 0.25 of SFC will be the last one that uses the old Connect libraries, and if it’s not working with bbPress then I’m not surprised. That version will very likely stop working in September when FB removes some older functionality.

    The latest one in development is version 0.999, which is just the prequel to version 1.0. I’m currently actively developing it and adding the features and such it needs to be a good replacement. It uses the newer Graph API and Javascript SDK’s from Facebook. You can find a working, but incomplete and probably buggy, version of it here:


    It is the only one receiving any development at the moment. SFC 0.25 is a dead end.

    Thread Starter Steve


    Thanks Otto, I will also try this out later in the week and see if I can get it working. I’ll let you know ??


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