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  • I just actuvated it in wordpress ( newest version ) 2.5 and all I get is a white screen when I hit any option,

    I am logged in and I did also double check to make sure I was cookied over to my forum and I was as well

    Please let us know what the problem could be ??

    Thanks !

    the plugin expects bbpress intergrated such that bbpress is loaded with wordpress. i will try to fix the plugin with the new version to remove the requirement


    i don’t think it’s a problem to require bbpress integration. What I did not like was that there is nothing written what the plugin expects.

    bbpress integration with wordpress is quite simple. Just put the following code into your bb-config.php:

    define('WP_BB', true);

    to make sure the wordpress function are loaded in bbpress. Next in wp-config put the following:


    AFTER require_once(ABSPATH.’wp-settings.php’);

    I think the plugin is really cool and someone using it actually wants bbpress and WordPress integrated. The main problem is, that the plugin expects bbpress installed in a subfolder of WordPress called “forums”. You should add an option to set the path via the admin interface.

    Further internationalization possibility would be good to have. So far you have only done half the job for this. You should use a unique domain for all your text strings. Then call __( ‘Some Text’, ‘my-domain’) or _e( ‘Some Text’, ‘my-domain’). To load the language file you can call load_plugin_textdomain.

    WP: 2.5.1 installed in root
    bbpress: installed in subfolder /bbpress

    I got the admin integration working but ran into another problem:

    In my wp-config.php i have the following lines:


    In my bb-config.php i have:

    define(‘WP_BB’, true);

    When i create or edit an articel all external HTML-Links are stripped like:

    <p style=”text-align: left;”><img src=”; alt=”” width=”432″ height=”236″ /></p>

    after publishing will look like:

    <p style=”\”><img src=”\” alt=”\"\"” width=”432″ height=”236″ /></p>

    The SQL-Tables still contain the complete code.
    When i disable the : require_once(ABSPATH.’bbpress/bb-config.php’) line in wp-config.php the article-aditor works fine but i get the:Fatal error: Class bb_walker_forumadminlistitems: Cannot inherit from undefined class bb_walker in /www/htdocs/v145881/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 593 error upon access on bbpress menues in Admin-section

    Any idea would be helpful – Thanks in advance


    I have WordPress 2.6.1 and BBpress running on my website, but if i install you’re plugin, i get this error.

    Fatal error: Class 'BB_Walker' not found in ****/forum/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 593

    Hi, your plugin is great and it is fully ok to expect integration of wordpress and bbpress. However there is one point that should be changed. Currently on each page bbpress admin functions are loaded and it is expected that bbpress is installed in a “forums” subdirectory in wordpress.


    This is not neccessary the case. Further with bbpress and wordpress integrated it is not neccessary to load the functions.

    This plug in appears rather out of date with the newest versions of WordPress and bbPress.

    Is it fair to say that it has been abandoned now?

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