• When i run my backups. i also get a copy emailed to me, dropbox and to a ftp.

    but when the backup is running its sending me 10 backups to my email all the same size all containing the same thing?

    also get it doing the same to my dropbox and to my ftp….

    can you look into this its getting annoying now and spamming up my ftp server and my email .. and wasting dropbox space too …

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  • Hi Daniel,

    As a part-time software programmer I can sympathise with your situation. It is very hard to test every configuration unless you are a big company like Microsoft.

    I have had to delete this plugin because I had too many backups and my account got suspended three times, including one while I was trying to fix the issue just five minutes after the last suspension was cleared. I may have misunderstood the scheduler – you might want to look at the interface you’ve provided. I had thought I was asking for weekly backups, but got several a few minutes apart.

    Good luck with the debugging,



    hi kanjipad,

    i have maked a easyer to use scheduler in the devlopment version, that hopfuly helps people like you. The old scheduler has al littele bit reworked and is included too for peapole that would like have more feautres. Also i have spend tham some java to display a waning on configurations tha run all 5 mins.

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