• I have i small ftp issue, that i hope someone can help me with. Plugin runs perfect, but the ftp transfer to my backup server fails.

    2010-02-07 21:42.37: Connected by SSL to FTP server: https://ftp.xxxxxx.com
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server Completion reply: 230 User xxxxxx logged in.
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server Completion reply: 215 UNIX Type: L8
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: Server Completion reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode Array
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: ALLO
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server reply: Zzz…

    Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: TYPE is now 8-bit binary in /home/www/subdomain.domainname.com/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/app/dojob/destination-ftp.php on line 102
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: ERROR: Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Sending mail…
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Mail send!!!
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Backup ZIP File size is 75.98 KB
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Job done in 10 sec.

    I am pretty sure, that i have configured the plugin correctly. The plugin is actually able to create the dir on the remote ftp server.

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  • I think I solved my problems:
    first, in settings, I disabled WP-Cron.
    that made the backup work, but when I went to download it, it still came up empty. So instead, I FTP to the file and transferred it that way. It worked fine.
    In my log file, I’m still getting the YELLOW WARNING Messages, but that’s not a big problem.

    Hi Tim,

    Die your hoster realy support FTP Active mode (The hoster can block ports) ?
    Did Your FTP Server Support active or passive mode and can open the ports in the firewall ?

    I use only the ftp commands from php 5.

    Google php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)

    Hi Daniel,

    The notes already provided above show:

    1) I use Filezilla to access the FTP server all the time, ports are not blocked.
    2) Logs show that FTP user is logged in, and errors occur AFTER that.
    3) Problem with BOTH active and passive modes.
    4) It works ONLY in testing on same server (localhost).

    Additionally I just tried updraft, and the ftp function WORKED on first try on same accounts. Unfortunately that code does not provide any sort of logs to see what’s happening.

    What is your test environment? If you are testing only local (ftp to localhost), then it may work, like it does for me. I’m a programmer, and can provide help via access to my ftp server, etc.. Please take me up on this offer so we can get this working! You have a great start with this project, and I want it to succeed (and get donations from me and many others).

    You have my email address from your blog site.


    I’m been doing some debugging and comparing code.

    The problem is in handling Secure FTP. Updraft does not attempt secure connection, and it works. BackWPup attempts Secure by default, and if it connects, assumes everything will work with transfer–but it fails at that point.

    Commenting out the ftp_ssl_connect “if” block allows for a successful transfer:

    2010-09-18 12:30.09: Connected insecure to FTP server: ftp.xxxxxxxx.com
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Client command: USER [email protected]
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Server reply: User [email protected] logged in.
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Server reply: Entering Passive Mode
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-09-18 12:30.09: FTP Server reply: UNIX
    2010-09-18 12:30.13: Backup File transferred to FTP Server: /xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_daily_db_2010-09-18_12-30-04.zip
    2010-09-18 12:30.13: Backup Archive File size is 3.59 MB
    2010-09-18 12:30.13: Job done in 9 sec.

    Suggest adding an option for SSL connection, and defaulting to NO, or just not trying to use it at all like other backup clients.

    This reference (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ftp#FTP_over_SSH_.28not_SFTP.29) and all my research pretty much indicates that this “FTP over SSL” won’t work for most people.

    It would be nice to get some sort of SFTP working (which is different than “ftp over ssl”).. But it appears to be a different set of code, though there is a library or two available to handle it.

    Anyway, mystery solved. I’m going to go see if godaddy ftp backups work with this change…


    I make the connect for SSL-FTP optonaly in next release, Thanks.

    Backup seems to work great—but FTP.
    Consistently get:
    [WARNING] ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: AUTH not understood
    Does anyone have an idea how I can resolve?
    Tx – Erik

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