• Hi

    I really enjoy your Background Manager Mike!
    A very good UI and design layout! The best and cleanest and easiest to understand plugin design I have seen! Could you perhaps create a tutorial on how you created your plugin? Since there is a lot to learn from your technique and clean UI design. (This was though not my original question but it just came up..:)

    Adding multiple images at once into the manager?

    Adding images into the Background Manager. If I want to change the order of how they come forth I tried to drag them around, but noticed that it did not work.

    The plus (+) link that goes to the attached image post. What about being able to change the link to another page etc? I am using a few images and it would be nice to link this to a gallery page (which I will create using the standard WordPress gallery function) so people can really enjoy the backgrounds without any disturbance of page/post content covering most of it.

    Happy Easter!


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  • Anonymous User 4048828



    I am looking into adding the option to modify the order of the images, as this is an outstanding request for the plugin.

    As for linking the [ + ], I will also add that as a request and makes good sense.

    Thanks for the kudos on the plugin UI as well ?? I am using my own little “framework” called Plugin Framework for WordPress (Pf4wp), available at GitHub. It’s still lacking proper documentation, though it’s PHPDoc ready.

    Pf4wp simplifies the base functions and the WP integration (menus, widgets, meta-boxes, option storage, AJAX, localization, caching and templates [views]) and this keeps it consistent across any plugin that uses it, as well as any changes WP may introduce. All I need to do is add the final functions to a plugin.

    Thread Starter Paal Joachim Romdahl


    I forwarded this thread and the link to your Plugin framework at Github to a friend of mine who is updating Jquery Anything Slider plugin which also is at Github: https://github.com/ProLoser/AnythingSlider

    There is a WordPress plugin for this actually two. One at Code Canyon and the other open source and free but is slowly being updated.

    I have used the Jquery plugin for my regular html site and and am working on motivating and gently pushing the guys who are doing the free WP plugin to continue the modification. To somehow find some time to create a good UI experience with the plugin.

    Perhaps your framework can be applied to their WP plugin?
    I believe that your framework would work really well for a good free slider.

    Thanks Mike!

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