well looks like the dev who made this theme used blog.php… and not archive.php… heres what ive tried so far, which has also failed:
[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use the pastebin ]
$cat_ID = get_query_var('cat');
$disable_header = get_option(PREFIX . '_category_disable_header_welcome_bar_' . $cat_ID);
<?php if ( $disable_header == 'false' ) { ?>
<div class="header">
<div class="container">?</div>
<div class="header-line"></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="middle">
<div class="container <?php if ($disable_header == 'true') { ?>padding50px<?php } ?>">
if ( get_option(PREFIX . '_category_sidebar_position_' . $cat_ID)==1 ) { $content = 'suffix_1'; $sidebar = ''; }
elseif ( get_option(PREFIX . '_category_sidebar_position_' . $cat_ID)==2 ) { $content = ''; $sidebar = 'suffix_1'; }
elseif ( get_option(PREFIX.'_sidebar_position')==1 ) { $content = ''; $sidebar = 'suffix_1'; }
else { $content = 'suffix_1'; $sidebar = ''; }
<?php if ($disable_header == 'false') {
$category_image = get_option(PREFIX . '_category_header_image_' . $cat_ID);
$category_image_url = get_option(PREFIX . '_category_header_image_url_' . $cat_ID);
$category_image_target = get_option(PREFIX . '_category_header_image_url_target_' . $cat_ID);
$category_title = tfuse_qtranslate( get_option(PREFIX . '_category_header_title_' . $cat_ID) );
<div class="header-title-image">
<?php if ( $category_image!='' && $category_image_url!='' ) { ?><div class="image"><a>" target="<?php echo $category_image_target; ?>"><?php tfuse_get_image(708, 124, 'img', $category_image, '', false, 'slider-image'); ?></a></div><?php }
elseif ( $category_image!='' ) { ?><div class="image"><?php tfuse_get_image(708, 124, 'img', $category_image, '', false, 'slider-image'); ?></div><?php } ?>
<?php if ( $category_title!='' ) { ?><h1><?php echo $category_title ?></h1><?php } ?>
<!-- middle content -->
<div class="container_24">
<?php if ( $sidebar!=='' ) { ?>
<!-- sidebar -->
<div class="grid_6 <?php echo $sidebar; ?>">
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<!--/ sidebar -->
<?php } ?>
<div class="grid_17 <?php echo $content; ?>">
<div class="text">
<?php if(have_posts()) : $count = 0; ?>
//top area for shortcodes
$category_content_top = tfuse_qtranslate( get_option(PREFIX . '_category_content_top_' . $cat_ID) );
echo $category_content_top = apply_filters('themefuse_shortcodes',$category_content_top);
echo '<div class="divider_space"></div>';
<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); $count++;
$large_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, PREFIX . "_post_image", true);
$medium_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, PREFIX . "_post_image_medium", true);
$small_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, PREFIX . "_post_image_small", true);
$src_image = '';
if($small_image != '')
$src_image = $small_image;
elseif($large_image != '')
$src_image = $large_image;
elseif($medium_image != '')
$src_image = $medium_image;
if($src_image != '')
$img_width = 234;
$img_height = 112;
$img_in = '<img src="' . tfuse_get_image($img_width, $img_height, 'src', $src_image, '', true) . '" alt="' . get_the_title() . '" class="alignleft" width="'.$img_width.'" height="'.$img_height.'" />';
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {the_post_thumbnail();} else {} the_excerpt();
<div class="news-item">
<h2><a>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php if ( $img_in!='' && $post->post_excerpt=='' ) echo $img_in; ?>
<div class="entry">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<div class="news-meta"><a>" class="link-more alignleft">Find out more</a>
<?php if(get_post_meta($post->ID, PREFIX . "_post_single_comments", true) != 'true') { ?>
<a>"><?php comments_number('0 comments', '1 comment', '% comments') ?> </a>
<?php } ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
//bottom area for shortcodes
$category_content_bottom = tfuse_qtranslate( get_option(PREFIX . '_category_content_bottom_' . $cat_ID) );
echo $category_content_bottom = apply_filters('themefuse_shortcodes',$category_content_bottom);
echo '<div class="divider_space"></div>';
<?php tfuse_pagination('cat=' . $cat_ID); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<h5><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'tfuse') ?></h5>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( $content!='' ) { ?>
<!-- sidebar -->
<div class="grid_6 <?php echo $sidebar; ?>">
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<!--/ sidebar -->
<?php } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!--/ middle content -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>