[Plugin: Audio Player] Version 2.0 beta released
OK. At long last I finally have a beta release of version 2.0 ready for you to try out. You can download it here: https://www.wpaudioplayer.com.
Please post questions and feedback to this forum topic.
Hi, Martin
This plugin is awesome!
It works very well inside post body. However, I am wondering if it is possible to be inserted into the “Blog Title” or “Tagline”? If so, what should I do or learn to achieve this?
Thank you for any advice!
Hi Martin,
There seems to be a compatibility issue with one of the more popular Themes: Aeros by TheBuckMaker and your latest Beta.
When using that theme, the plug-in is not visible at all – although it does have a mouseover action where you can click and it will actually play.
Player not functional in IE7…
Hello all. I am having issues in IE7 with the standalone 2.6 beta player. (The player is working fine in FF2.)
I guess my main question is has anyone set up this player before and had it work fine in FF but not work in IE? By not working, I mena the plaer does ‘show up’ but it has no mouseover functionality. It is like a graphic with no anchor tag.
I am developing internally, so no public facing test is available right now. BUT, I will post the syntax of my setup below.
In the head of my page, I have the following. The ‘audio-player.js’ is the file that included swfobject2.1.
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/js/audio-player.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
AudioPlayer.setup(“/swf/audio-player/player.swf”, {
width: 600,
initialvolume: 100,
transparentpagebg: “yes”,
leftbg: “efefef”,
lefticon: “b6b6b6”,
rightbg: “efefef”,
righticon: “b6b6b6”,
loader: “990000”,
track: “949494”,
tracker: “d6d6d6”,
text: “7f7f7f”
</script>On my page, I am using the following:
<p id=”audioplayer_1″>Please download the latest Flash Player</p>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
AudioPlayer.embed(“audioplayer_1”, {
soundFile: “/media/audio/song.mp3”,
titles: “Song”,
artists: “Artist”
</script>Hi Martin,
As everyone has been pointing the obvious: Great job on the player! Unfortunately, I’m having some of the issues that others are noticing. I’m using the standalone player (beta 6) on my personal development project written in JSP. I have the player configured properly inside my JavaScript:
AudioPlayer.setup("scripts/player.swf", { width: 190 ,transparentpagebg: "yes" }) ;
and at the time of creating the many players for each of my sound files, I do:
var sPlayerOptions = '{soundFile:"'+escape(sUrl)+'",remaining:"yes"}' ; elCell.innerHTML = '<span id="audioplayer_'+sData+'"> </span>' +'<script type="text/javascript">' +'AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_'+sData+'",'+sPlayerOptions+') ;' + '</script>' ;
Assume that sUrl, elCell and sData are all good. The player comes up fine on FF3 (3.0.2), but it just keeps buffering. On IE7, the player does not even come up. Any suggestions?
Hello all… I resolved the IE issues two posts up; it was a syntax error in my script instantiation in the <head>.
HOWEVER, I am still throwing a js error in IE (6&7):
Line 127
Error: ‘null’ is null or not an object
Code: 0Has anyone seen this error as well, and figured out what it might be? THis is a standalone player implementation.
As I’m mentioned, I’m developing internally don’t have an outward facing test that would mimic my current environment. So I understand that it’s not a perfect situation to ask for advice. Just thought someone may recognize the error and offer a suggestion.
Hi everyone,
First of all, I would like to congratulate the developer of this media player because it’s very good work and it help me a alot building a great music website. I’m using the audioplayer version 2.0 beta 6 on https://templedusample.free.fr and as far as I tested everything works fine (except for the known Firefox and too many players bug).
I would like to submit a feature request. Would it be possible to add an option to disable volume control because on my website it’s useless and it would be better if there was no volume control. If you don’t think it’s useful, there’s no problem, I can do without it.
Thank you an keep up the good job.
Thank you for the sweet little plugin. I’m having trouble in IE with the colour scheme when using the RTL version. Only the colours of the sound bars and the play button are visible, backgrounds aren’t. The colors of the icons are also those of the opposite icon – that I can turn around in my head, so no problem:) But I do need to see something in IE besides a play button and text. Firefox works fine, LTR version works fine under both browsers – but the RTL breaks even the default colour scheme.
Hi there,
I seem to be getting the endless buffering issue with my Audio Player. I have tried installed the latest Flash 10 but doesn’t seem to make a difference. Here is my post https://yourthankyoucard.com/bill-flinn-interview/
Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi there,
I noticed a problem regarding the XHTML validation.
My wp Blog is fine and when I validate the code at WC3 Markup Validation Service I get an error duw to the audioplayer wp plugin and the way the code is set, ie, the way the plugin inserts the html code in my blog.
here is my blog: https://www.tux-gill.ptIf you go at the page bottom and click on XHTML validation, you will be redirected to WC3 validation service and you will notice the error report.
If I eliminate the post with the audio player, the validation report no errors.Is it possible to rewrite the code in a way that is valid for XHTML 1.0 Strict?
Thank you
Where can I find the php.ini file?
I want to change the default upload file size but I can’t seem to find this file to do it.
If anyone could help that would be great.
Thanks!Is there any way to control the player dimensions? I’d like to tweak the width and height of the player, but can’t find where that is set. Thanks!
I have selected the player to allow a downloadable link to my podcasts, but the download option doesn’t seem to appear on the actual post when I insert the audio.
https://bmilam.com is my site.
You can control the width in the settings section under “display”.
Now, I have an issue… I can’t prevent the mp3 links from appearing in the RSS feed, which people can right click and download. Is there a way to have text, e.g. “VISIT BLOG FOR SONG”? Or at least not show the mp3 file at all in the RSS. I tried to switch it to “nothing” in the settings but that didn’t do anything.
Here’s a different one:
On your “whats new” page, the player shows up and functions as expected.
https://wpaudioplayer.com/whatsnewOn my websites — both on a hosted server, and internally, the player does not work in IE (7), FF(3.03), or Chrome( I get the “Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required” message. I have Flash v.9.0 r124 installed. I can’t reasonably expect my visitors to have a beta version of flash installed, so I haven’t tested that (although I could, if it helps).
I’m using the 2.0b6 version of audio-player
The big issue though, is the still unresolved FF and endless buffer. For me, it happens at >10 players. For the community: any idea on an aesthetic way to break it up. I’m developing a page that lists all the tracks for a CD. I’d rather not have one page per audio file if it can be helped.
Thanks for such a great audio player – just perfect for what I needed.
Have found an issue though…
I’m using the stand-alone version of the player (v2, Beta) and all was working fine.
Then I added the Google Analytics code to the web page that the player was embedded in. All fine on all browsers…except Safari (on my PC, not sure about on a Mac) now crashes completely when loading the page.
I can remove either element (player or GA script) and the page loads just fine, but the two together cause this behaviour.
Tricky to work out if it’s a Safari issue, a Google Analytics issue, or a Audio Player issue! Any ideas anybody?
Many thanks.
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