I know you probably get endless requests, but here goes…
I love your player, and I’m in the process of migrating off of PodPress and onto Beta 2 by itself. I’m super stoked on the new features, especially the ability to have multiple files in a playlist. So, I have a question and a request:
Question: is there a limit on how many mp3 files/filenames I can pass to the player without it blowing up? For example, can I pass it 200 files?
Request: It would be amazing if there was a “SHUFFLE” option for the player.
You can probably see where I am going with this. Besides regular use in posts, I’d like to load up the player with 100 MP3 tracks and have the player play them while in a random shuffle mode.
Thanks for your consideration, and for all the hard work you’ve already spent on this plugin. You ROCK!