I edited the file: /plugins/audio-player/audio-player.php
in the: function getPlayer
got the variable: $playerCode
i inserted: <audio src="' . $source . '" controls>Flash stuff...</audio>
so, where the original read:
$playerCode = '<p class="audioplayer_container"><span style="display:block;padding:5px;border:1px solid #dddddd;background:#f8f8f8" id="' . $playerElementID . '">' . sprintf(__('Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version <a href="%s" title="Download Adobe Flash Player">here</a>. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.', $this->textDomain), 'https://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW') . '</span></p>';
it now sez (i also shortened the Flash stuff):
$playerCode = '<p class="audioplayer_container"><span style="display:block;padding:5px;border:1px solid #dddddd;background:#f8f8f8" id="' . $playerElementID . '"><em>' . sprintf(__('Play audio: <audio src="' . $source . '" controls><br />Audio player needs Flash9+ (<a href="%s" title="Download Adobe Flash Player">download</a>) and JavaScript.', $this->textDomain), 'https://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW') . '</audio></em></span></p>';
of course. this is a bonehead way to do it, b/c:
1. i’ll need to redo it after every upgrade of this plugin;
2. i really should check first to see:
a. does browser supports the html 5 audio tag? (IE8: no.)
b. if so, will it play an mp3? (Firefox & Opera: no, Safari & Chrome: yes.)
3. then i should script the html so:
a. if yes to both, write only the html5 audio tag (w/ src), not the Flash stuff.
b. if no to either, write only the Flash stuff, not the html5.
more at:
but this does get job done for iPhone, for now.