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  • Plugin Author askapache


    I just noticed this today too… I bet it is being caused by 1 of 2 things.

    1. Updates to WP that add filters that corrupt the options
    2. An errant key in the last update? Improbable.

    It works fine in 3.4-alpha, does not work correctly in 3.3.2 or apparently 3.3.1?

    I’ll release a fix this weekend.

    Plugin Author askapache


    Fixed in version

    The problem was #2, bad code on my part that was only unserializing the code for version

    Here is the fixed code:

    function LoadOptions($opts=array('options','plugin'))
    	foreach ($opts as $pn) $this->{$pn} = get_option("askapache_google_404_{$pn}");
    	$this->code=(  (version_compare($this->plugin['version'], '', 'gte') )
    						? unserialize(base64_decode(get_option("askapache_google_404_code")))
    						: get_option("askapache_google_404_code")

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