[Plugin: AppStore Links] RSS errors due to Appstore plugin
Good day guys.
Let me start by saying I love this plugin.
However i’ve had an issue with my RSS feeds lately and it’s been driving me nuts
I narrowed it down to appstore plugin seems it whacking out my RSS feeds and other services I use like ifttt.comWhen i do a RSS feed verification my feeds pass fine but shows an error with app store’s code in it.
Any body know how to fix this?
This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
line 246, column 0: Invalid HTML: malformed start tag, at line 3, column 1133 [help]Here is line 246,
<div class=”appBundle”><span class=”apps”><img class=”Image” align=”left” src=”https://www.lifewithtech.net/wp-content/plugins/appstore/cache/456068701.png” alt=”GymPact (AppStore Link) ” /> <span class=”Titel”>GymPact</span>
<span class=”Hersteller”>Developer: </span> Geoffrey Oberhofer
<div><span class=”Freigabe”>Rated: </span>4+</div> <span class=”Preis”>Price: </span>free <span class=”Download”>iTunes Download Link</span></span><div style=”clear: both”></div><div class=’appImageContainer’><div class=’appSliderGallery’>- <img class=”appScreenshot” src=”https://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/078/Purple/v4/8f/58/83/8f58835b-05e4-238a-c690-052261d7d37c/mzl.nykeoejx.320×480-75.jpg”</img>
- <img class=”appScreenshot” src=”https://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/062/Purple/v4/f6/f2/e8/f6f2e8df-7c79-0d04-0601-c907b1cb9975/mzl.zdfdbhft.320×480-75.jpg”</img>
- <img class=”appScreenshot” src=”https://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/101/Purple/v4/74/fe/95/74fe958d-cbc5-636b-51b7-7f5a3a647f9d/mzl.hqtxoauy.320×480-75.jpg”</img>
- <img class=”appScreenshot” src=”https://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/072/Purple/v4/c4/d0/b5/c4d0b590-0fbc-b768-e6a3-
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