I have a similar issue but am unable to resolve it from the above link. The issue is that my dashboard is not showing properly so there are no “pages” .. “add plugin” .. “appearance” .. etc. etc. available.
1) The dashboard only shows:
a) Forums
b) Blog
c) News
d) Profile
2) I am only able to login with new username .. which I spotted when doing a password reset and somehow seems to have changed from admin .. and so am no longer able to login with admin .. which is how I previously always logged in
3) On the howdy menu new u/n is showing .. no access to admin and full dashboard .. plus profile says new u/n cannot be changed.
4) I also believe this may be an old WordPress version but do not know how to check version?
5) Is there any way we can resolve this and regain access to admin and full dashboard .. by perhaps giving the new u/n admin status please?
Many thanks,