• I tried to call, tried to write, tried to twitt, and no reply. AF just stopped working 2 versions ago. Messed up a lot of pages on my site.

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  • Have you tried the updated version posted three days ago? Perhaps you have plugin conflicts. Have you had a chance to deactivate other plugins and retest AnyFont for diagnosis? The authors web site looks pretty active on the plugin.


    Could you please provide a more detailed description or a url to an example of how AnyFont stopped working?

    I am more than happy to help you resolve any problems you might have with AnyFont. But please understand that during the week my paying clients come first and while I do try and respond to every query as quickly as possible, there will be times when I am just too busy to reply. Generally if I don’t come back to you within a week or so, contact me again to remind me of the first mail.

    I’ll look for your email now though and reply asap.


    It’s refreshing to see such an honest, straightforward answer and an genuine offer of assistance all in the same place at the same time. Rare qualities these days.

    …just my two cents.


    [Plugin: AnyFont] no help what so ever

    There you go. I can’t help but wonder if you will work as hard to find a donation link for the developers efforts as you did to find the support for his plugin. Obviously, you just have to have it.

    (It is pretty cool!)

    Peace, all.



    author, please help!!!

    It’s uploading fonts (www.dafont.com/xfiles1.font), but with error cause i don’t see a preview.
    so, after creating a style when in settings i manage any title – it’s changing on my blog but without any text-image. just simple error-blank-image.

    so the problem is at the beggining – when I upload font.

    Please, need help.
    I’d be appreciate for any comments here or (forum@ka81,com) or (icq 94126666)


    new error text when trying to clear the cache in anyfont-settings:

    Warning: rmdir(/data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/font-cache) [function.rmdir]: Permission denied in /data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/plugins/anyfont/anyfont.php on line 319
    Cache Cleared

    just don’t get it ??

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