author, please help!!!
It’s uploading fonts (, but with error cause i don’t see a preview.
so, after creating a style when in settings i manage any title – it’s changing on my blog but without any text-image. just simple error-blank-image.
so the problem is at the beggining – when I upload font.
Please, need help.
I’d be appreciate for any comments here or (forum@ka81,com) or (icq 94126666)
new error text when trying to clear the cache in anyfont-settings:
Warning: rmdir(/data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/font-cache) [function.rmdir]: Permission denied in /data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/plugins/anyfont/anyfont.php on line 319
Cache Cleared
just don’t get it ??