Hi rider,
thats what I was missing too.
My “workaround” is to use the standard browser printing capabilities, but defining specific print css styles.
My solution:
In calendar.css
in wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/css/
add at the bottom the following stylesheets:
/* Print Style Sheet */
@media print {
body { background:white; color:black; margin:0 }
#header, #navigation, #comments, #sidebar, #subcontent, #footer { display: none; }
div.pageentry h2 { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#ai1ec-container table.ai1ec-calendar-toolbar { display: none; }
ol.ai1ec-agenda-view h3.ai1ec-date-title { margin-top: 0.5em !important; border-radius: 0; }
#ai1ec-container h3.ai1ec-date-title { width: 5em; color: black; }
#ai1ec-container h3.ai1ec-date-title .ai1ec-month { display: inline; float: right; color: black; }
#ai1ec-container h3.ai1ec-date-title .ai1ec-day { display: inline; font-size: 1em !important; color: black; }
#ai1ec-container h3.ai1ec-date-title .ai1ec-weekday { display: inline; float: left; color: black; }
/* Agenda event description */
div.ai1ec-event-click, div.ai1ec-categories { display: none; }
div.ai1ec-event-summary, div.ai1ec-event-summary div.ai1ec-event-click, div.ai1ec-event-description { display: block !important; }
ol.ai1ec-agenda-view div.ai1ec-event-summary div.ai1ec-event-title { display: inline; }
ol.ai1ec-agenda-view div.ai1ec-event-summary div.ai1ec-event-time { display: inline; }
#ai1ec-container a.ai1ec-button { display: none; }
ol.ai1ec-agenda-view div.ai1ec-event-description { padding: 0 !important; }
ol.ai1ec-agenda-view div.ai1ec-event-overlay { display: none; }
This formats only agenda view of calendar and its not perfect. And it depends on your theme a bit.
And, this css-file is loaded on every other wordpress page as well, so it might affecting the other print outs of those pages.
Using ai1ec version 1.2.5 and 1.3