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  • Same question here.

    Recurring events are a convenience for adding events at a regular intervals; I think to cater for other patterns would make it too complicated.

    To delete gaps for holidays, it would be possible to simply delete the entry from wp_ai1ec_events directly from the database; for example:

    DELETE FROM wp_ai1ec_event_instances WHERE DATE(start)= "2011-18-11"
    (To delete all events from a date)

    DELETE FROM wp_ai1ec_event_instances WHERE DATE(start)= "2011-18-11" AND post_id=123
    (to delete a specific event from a date)

    You will be able to do this when we extend our current recurrence UI to support exception dates. The functionality is there, you can safely use it when importing ics feeds, it just there is no way to do it using the UI for the moment.
    There is demand for this feature so we might have it in 1.2

    This is a good solution.

    Thread Starter jannon


    thanks yani,

    I’ll look forward to version 1.2 and hope you’re able to add this feature.

    What is the way to exclude events both on the website and in iCal export?

    A SQL command is better than nothing.

    We don’t support exclusion of events right now, however we support filters.

    You can filter the calendar by category, tag, and post.
    Category format: ai1ec_cat_ids=X
    where X is event category id. Separate multiple ids with a comma.
    Single category: https://localhost/latest/calendar/?ai1ec_cat_ids=3
    Multiple category: https://localhost/latest/calendar/?ai1ec_cat_ids=3,4,5

    Tag format: ai1ec_tag_ids=X
    where Xis event tag id. Separate multiple ids with a comma.
    Single tag: https://localhost/latest/calendar/?ai1ec_tag_ids=3
    Multiple tag: https://localhost/latest/calendar/?ai1ec_tag_ids=3,4,5


    This is valid for monthly/agenda views, widget view, and when exporting events.

    Where is the connection to my question? I don’t get it.

    I have recurring events and really need to make exclusions. Otherwise the number of events would explode. You saied “The functionality is there” but the UI is missing. Therefore I’d like to know how to enter the exclusions in the database the right way.

    A workaround could be that we write an iCal file for each event that includes the exceptions and import it to ai1ec. I tried to do that but ai1ec seems to ignore EXDATE. Is this true or did I miss the correct format?

    Your question is:

    What is the way to exclude events both on the website and in iCal export?

    How to exclude event X from frontend
    – Put event X in category excluded
    – Put all other events in category included
    – Display the view filtered by category included

    When you export iCal feed from filtered view, the exported ics file will also be filtered.

    As for adding events with exclusions:
    1. You need to define the EXRULE of the event. More info is available here:
    2. Your event needs to have the EXRULE added before it is parsed and saved to the database.

    If you have iCal feed with proper EXRULE defined, it should work properly unless EXRULE format is wrong.

    Hm I did not get it. When I import this ical ai1ec does not exclude the dates:


    It works in Google Calendar. I tried EXDATE and EXRULE for hours and nothing could be imported correctly. Would you please send an example of a valid iCal with exclusions?

    Your feed is good. However, something doesn’t perform well in the plugin. I haven’t tested that functionality myself and it seems that it is broken somewhere. I will have it fixed and ready for when we release the Exception UI.

    OK thanks.

    If you are wishing to manually delete events from a recurrence, you can delete these from the instances tables, however keep in mind that until this feature is actually built the instances can be re-inserted when you edit the master event.

    @neira: That does not work when iCal export is used.

    Sorry, I was referring to your question of an SQL command for website-only view

    Did anything happen here? I am a bit impatient because we really need this feature and both in iCal import and in the database and in the user interface it is not possible.

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