• Resolved Acreo Aeneas


    I’m using WordPress 3.2.1 and 1.0.4.

    There are several things broken right now:

    1. I cannot change the publish date or time of an event.
    — Clicking on “Edit” next to “Published on…” does nothing

    2. I cannot add a category while in Event > Add New (writing or editing an event).
    — clicking on “Add Category” does nothing

    3. The “Update” button at the bottom of the Add/Edit Event page does nothing.
    — Why is there another “Update” down there that does nothing when there’s one off to the right?

    4. Limit calendar display by category?
    — I still haven’t figured out how I can get the calendar to only display one or a few categories and not display certain categories. Normally other calendar plugins handle this via [shortcodes]. Unfortunately, there’s limited documentation so I have no clue what the shortcode is and is this is even possible.

    5. Breaks Fluency Admin Pop-Out Submenus
    — Fluency Admin plugin has a pop-out menu for the submenu items. While editing a Event Post or adding an Event Post, the pop-out menu no longer works in Fluency Admin.

    6. Category Filter doesn’t quite work right in Agenda view.
    — The category filter partly works in Agenda view. In that, if I select a category (or categories), that category of events will be display. Other categories that aren’t selected, those events aren’t displayed BUT the date (div?) block is still shown. This makes it look like there is an event on that date. I rather have that entire date block hidden if that category/categories of events are filtered out.

    I disabled every other plugin and none of them are interfering with this plugin.


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  • Thread Starter Acreo Aeneas


    Found more problems:

    7. Unable to change visibility setting in Edit/New Event page.
    — I am unable to change the visibility setting of the new event or editing an event.

    8. Unable to set how long recurring event occurs for.
    — There’s is no option to set the length of the recurring event. Also given a recurring event posting, I am unable to set a beginning and ending date and time for each individual event of the recurring event. Example: if I want to set up a meeting from 8 am to 9 am on Mondays and have it repeat only on Mondays for two months, I cannot do it. Same goes for private meetings that recurring at a certain interval only for a period of time. If I try to create a limited private event post, it results in #9 and #10 or a daily recurring event from the start date to the end date I set.

    9. Never-ending recurring private events are missing proper start date and time.
    — After I post a recurring event that doesn’t have a end date and when I go back to edit the event, the start and end dates and times are set to 1/1/1970 rather than the start date and time I original set for the recurring event.

    10. Events where linked post is set to “Private” no longer visible on calendar.
    — This is probably the single most frustrating “bug”. If I try to create private events where the post is set to “Private”, the event has #9’s problem and disappears from the calendar (even from admin view). The event no longer shows up on the frontend calendar, nor in agenda frontend view.

    Thanks for the feedback Acreo. We’ll be releasing another update by Monday.

    For some reason, Firefox does not want to play nice – it’s moving the calendar toolbar to the right on my site (rocklivegear.com it’s a sandbox domain of mine.) Safari, Chrome, IE all look fine on my PC and my Mac. Any suggestions?

    Works great for me…!! This is exactly what I was looking for!! The only thing I’d like to suggest is adding a widget to display an agenda of upcoming events.

    Thanks for the great plugin!!

    Thread Starter Acreo Aeneas


    @ Rik,

    Great. Haven’t found anymore problems yet. Will the Monday update address everything or just some of the issues above?

    @ ritabaumann,

    It looks like a theme issue. It doesn’t look like the content wrapper for the page is containing the calendar (and the calendar is breaking out of the container).

    It looks like the calendar is organized via a TABLE and the theme might have some CSS properties overriding that default TABLE tags (table, tr, td, etc) and causing the calendar content to break the container and be some exaggerated width.

    A quick method of determining of the theme is to blame is to switch your theme back to default WP themes: Twenty Eleven or Twenty Ten. If the calendar doesn’t break in either of those, then more than likely your current theme is to blame.

    (I don’t have your problem at all. I’m using Mystique theme on my site: grscgaming.com)


    It looks to me like most of the bugs you’ve reported relate to JavaScript-based actions. #1, #2, #3, #5, #7 – all of these things rely on event handlers that are registered during a successful initialization of JavaScript code. When there is an uncaught JavaScript exception upon load, however, those event handlers will not be registered because the interpreter was interrupted.

    Since we haven’t been able to reproduce this behaviour – a JavaScript exception upon that page’s load – it’s possible you’re using a browser/OS combination that we haven’t fully tested yet. What browser, browser version, and OS are you using? Also, the keys to your WP dashboard may be needed if we find we still can’t reproduce it on our end.

    As for the second Publish button, that’s just an option on the settings screen, which you can turn off. We had this feature request by one of our clients who wanted to make it easy for their less savvy users to contribute events. (The other publish button isn’t obvious if you’ve already scrolled down on the Add a New Event screen.)

    A limited calendar display per-category using a shortcode is a great idea for a feature. We’ll add this to our request tracker.

    We apologize for the limited documentation – some unexpected bugs popped up shortly before our launch date and took priority. We’ll be adding to the documentation on an ongoing basis, and we appreciate your patience.

    I’ll look into your recurrence-related reports shortly. I’ll also check out #10 – I’m a little unclear on what you mean by “linked post” but maybe I’ll figure it out with a little testing.


    Lead Developer
    The Seed Studio

    @ Acreo,

    1. Can you confirm that you can change “Published on” on a normal post?
    2. Can you confirm that you can “Add Category” on a normal post?
    3. You can turn the “Update” button at the bottom of the page from Settings. Make sure that “Display Publish at bottom of Edit Event form” is unchecked (default state).
    4. This is not supported yet, we expect to add it in the next release which will happen very soon.
    5. Just tested latest Fluency Admin with default WP 3.2.1 and the submenu items are working on my end. You said that you tried to disabled all plugins and that didn’t work but if it is not too difficult then can you list the plugins that you have enabled on your WP install? I am suspecting some sort of a JavaScript error that happens on Add/Edit event page, which will also explain items 1 and 2 from this list.
    6. Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).
    7. This is related to the items 1, 2, 5 from this list. When we fix the items above I expect that this will also be fixed.
    8. Lets consider the following scenario: A meeting from 8 am to 9 am on Mondays that repeats only on Mondays for two months
    • Start date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 8:00am
    • End date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 9:00am
    • Repeat: Mondays
    • End: On date
    • On Date: 9 November 2011

    Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.
    We know that there is a lot to desire in terms of setting up recurrence events but I can assure you that we are working on it and a release that will fill the gap is on its way.

    • Can you post the start/end date and time that you used as well as the recurrence rule that you set up?
    • Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).
    • Thank you very much Acreo!
      You’ve been very helpful and I am looking forward for your reply that will help make All-in-One Event Calendar plugin better.

    @ ritabaumann
    I see the issue. It will be fixed in our 1.0.5 bug release.

    Thank you so much for reporting it.

    @ harper1983
    Thank you for the kind words!
    The upcoming widget is on its way. Expect it very coming soon.

    Thread Starter Acreo Aeneas


    What browser, browser version, and OS are you using?

    I’m using Firefox 6.0.2 and running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit with Service Pack 1 and all of the latest updates.

    1. Can you confirm that you can change “Published on” on a normal post?

    Yes, I can confirm I can change the “Published on” on a normal post.

    2. Can you confirm that you can “Add Category” on a normal post?

    Yes, I can “Add Category” on a normal post.

    3. You can turn the “Update” button at the bottom of the page from Settings. Make sure that “Display Publish at bottom of Edit Event form” is unchecked (default state).

    Ah, I see it. Unchecked. ??

    4. This is not supported yet, we expect to add it in the next release which will happen very soon.

    5. Just tested latest Fluency Admin with default WP 3.2.1 and the submenu items are working on my end. You said that you tried to disabled all plugins and that didn’t work but if it is not too difficult then can you list the plugins that you have enabled on your WP install? I am suspecting some sort of a JavaScript error that happens on Add/Edit event page, which will also explain items 1 and 2 from this list.

    Hmm. Well this is interesting if it’s a JS issue (seems a lot of plugins have JS problems).

    Here are the plugins I’m currently using:

    1. Akismet
    2. All-In-One Event Calendar Plugin
    3. Blog in Blog
    4. Custom Admin Branding
    5. Custom Post Donations
    6. Fluency Admin
    7. Global Hide/Remove Admin Bar Plugin
    8. Google Analyticator
    9. Jetpack by WordPress.com
    10. MapPress Easy Google Maps
    11. MCE Table Buttons
    12. Members
    13. NextGEN Gallery
    14. Pierre’s Wordspew
    15. Plugins Garbage Collector
    16. Role Scoper
    17. Secure WordPress
    18. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    19. Simple Press
    20. Theme My Login
    21. Viper’s Video Quicktags
    22. WordPress Database Backup
    23. WordPress Download Monitor
    24. WP-UserOnline
    25. WP System Health

    6. Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).


    7. This is related to the items 1, 2, 5 from this list. When we fix the items above I expect that this will also be fixed.


    8. Lets consider the following scenario: A meeting from 8 am to 9 am on Mondays that repeats only on Mondays for two months
    Start date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 8:00am
    End date/time: 12 September 2011 @ 9:00am
    Repeat: Mondays
    End: On date
    On Date: 9 November 2011

    Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.
    We know that there is a lot to desire in terms of setting up recurrence events but I can assure you that we are working on it and a release that will fill the gap is on its way.

    When I initially set up the event, I don’t see “End” or “On Date”. I only see the options above those two.

    9. Can you post the start/end date and time that you used as well as the recurrence rule that you set up?

    I used this for one meeting as a test:

    Start date/time: 16 September 2011 @ 1:00 pm
    End date/time: 16 September 2011 @ 4:00 pm
    Repeat: Weekly (also tried with Fridays)
    (The last two options do not show up for me.)

    10. Added to the list of bugs, we will fix it in the next bug release (1.0.5).


    Hi @Acreo,

    Regarding items #8, #9 – the recurrence form fields also depend on JavaScript to function. It seems there is a JavaScript error on the Add new Event/Edit Event screen that is causing a myriad of problems for you. Are you familiar with debugging JavaScript? We will probably need the exact line of code that is causing the error to get any further, which you can find out from Tools > Error Console, or using Firebug.

    Thanks for your reply,

    Really Great plugin, guys! Nice in every way. I would like to suggest two features that would be very helpful to me. One is a “Nice to Have” and one may cause the client to have me search for a new calendar.

    a) The “Nice To Have” would be the ability to customize the Date format. I enter my dates in MM/DD/YY format and do not see a way to specify it. Currently it seems to only accept DD/MM/YY format.

    b) It would be nice to have a link to the event website. This is the one that may cause me to have to find another Calendar Event control and I would really hate to do that since this control is really great.

    a) Good idea; there should definitely be the option to specify dates in US format
    b) That should be easy enough to add. But until we do, can you get by with just inserting a hyperlink to the website in the event’s description?

    Thread Starter Acreo Aeneas


    Are you familiar with debugging JavaScript? We will probably need the exact line of code that is causing the error to get any further, which you can find out from Tools > Error Console, or using Firebug.

    According to FF Error Console:

    “show_end_fields is not defined” Line 218.

    Hope that helps.

    I’ll also second Suggestion (A) by David Silverlight. I can’t stand the DD/MM/YYYY formatting (as I also live in the U.S.).

    BTW, you guys are also doing an awesome job of responding to questions very quickly.

    Yeah, I think that a hyperlink can be a fine workaround for now and can tell my client that it is planned for an upcoming release. (hopefully soon? ?? )

    One other suggestion that I have is to have a way to include “Next x Events” on a page somehow. That is another current feature that the client would like for me to be able to implement. On the homepage of the site that I am trying to relaunch, they have a paragraph about the site having a comprehensive listing of current events and right below it the next 5 events are listed. Is there a shortcode for that and/or is there a place in the documentation that shows the shortcodes that are associated with the plugin?

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