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  • Richard


    The 1.8 premium beta version is available from

    It is still being tested, but it would be great to get your feedback about whether it resolves this particular conflict. Please let me know, thank you.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    I did a test on my localhost server and 1.8 RC2 seems to fix the issue with WordPress SEO. The WPSEO admin pages now load correctly with AI1EC active.

    Good job guys!

    Is there somewhere we can see the complete 1.8 changelog?

    Thank you!

    Even with 1.8 RC2, the ai1ec info is on top of every plugin admin page until you respond to the initial questions of choosing to allow/disallow to collect calendar statistics and also perform the initial settings. Close, but not yet fixed. Currently running WP 3.4.1.



    Pixelyzd – thanks for the positive feedback. The changelog for WP versions is usually published here:

    I will check with the team if it’s possible for us to publish the full changelog on our website.

    Mcdhchuck – sorry to hear it has not completely resolved the issue. Are you saying that the ai1ec info at the top of the page disappears after you perform the initial settings? So the problem is fully resolved once the plugin is configured?



    Changelog for 1.8 RC2 is not included on that link.



    Just an update for everyone, I have heard from other users that the 1.8 version resolves this issue. The finalized version of 1.8 should be released very soon. If you are being affected by this issue, please download the 1.8 version.

    OC2PS – the changelog for this is not yet published, but we thank you for your patience in the interim.

    I am running 1.8 but still having conflict. Did I miss a step I should have taken?

    Hi, 1.8 Premium definitely solves this issue, it’s been extensively tested. The WordPress 1.8 version should also have solved this, but if it doesn’t, consider upgrading.

    Perhaps we are talking about 2 different issues. I have completely deleted and reinstalled ai1ec to make sure there was nothing left from the old version. Once I did this, my Yoast WordPress SEO XML sitemap finally showed up. HOWEVER, the Titles and Metas admin page is still blank. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the WordPress SEO plugin as well but it did not help. Anyone have any ideas? I’m really struggling to use both plugins.

    Screenshot of problem page

    Only seems to be fixed in Premium version. Any hopes of a fix soon for repo version?

    I have 1.8.3 Premium and it won’t play with Yoast SEO 1.2.6 – I wound up with “500 Internal Server Errors” when trying to add new anything (events, posts, pages) until I completely removed Yoast, deactivated my calendar, and then reactivated my calendar.

    If you comment out lines 67 & 68 of the class-ai1ec-view-helper.php file found in:


    and save. Make changes in Yoast. Uncomment. Resave.

    This isn’t a fix, but it is a temporary workaround to get your settings updated until they decide to appropriately load their scripts only on their pages…

    using version 1.8.2 of all in one vents calendar.
    Same problem with Yoast Seo in

    Thanks to kirbydoos for the workaround. I’ve tried and solved the problem till new version of all in one fix the problem.

    I can confirm the same issue using Version 1.8.2 with WordPress 3.5. If I go into SEO > Titles & Metas, the AJAX tabs are broken.

    Problem solved with new version 1.9.1-standard
    Wordpress version 3.5
    SEO version

    All works fine now ??
    Easy and clean update from lite version to standard version of All in one events calendar

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