[Plugin: All-in-One Event Calendar] 1.8.1 not working
Hi, your excellent plugin no longer works on my site: v1.7 worked fine, then updated to 1.8 which broke the calendar, then updated to 1.8.1 which still had same issues; tried going back to 1.7 and that hasn’t worked either (site vanished).
Please can you help.
The theme issue you refer to is a new problem i.e. this anomaly wasn’t apparent when using the calendar pre-update. Can anything can be done to resolve this, or does it simply mean your plugin is no longer compatible with our site?
– No, it’s a very simple thing. Your page is a layer, your menu is a layer, the calendar is a layer. You page layer has a z-index = 1, to put something on top of the page, it needs to have a z-index > 1 so your menu needs to have at least z-index=2. Calendar has dropdowns for categories and tags that are placed on top of the calendar so if calendar has z-index = 1 dropdowns need to have z-index > 1 or at minimum z-index=2.
The problem is that your menu z-index is lower than the calendar dropdown’s z-index. If you increase the z-index of your menu, it will be displayed on top of the calendar. It’s a design/theme/style issue. It shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes to fix for anyone who knows what they are doing.Regards SQL attack / wp-footer I believe it to be a commonly advised step to avoid sql injection spam.
– No, that’s not advised and you shouldn’t do it – trust me on this.
Thanks for all your help Yani! I’ll seek help to resolve the z-index issue. ??
@ gowherescotland
I’ll talk to our UI team to find out if they can do something about it.That would be amazing, thanks!
Is the z-index change somewhere within this stylesheet.css page?
[ Moderated: use backticks or the code button. Better yet, just post a link to your CSS. ]/* Theme Name:Arthemia Theme URI:https://michaelhutagalung.com/2008/05/arthemia-magazine-blog-wordpress-theme-released/ Description:<a href="https://michaelhutagalung.com/2008/05/arthemia-magazine-blog-wordpress-theme-released/">Arthemia</a> theme is combining a magazine and a weblog into one; it is not too magazine-ish nor too blog-ish. Designed for WordPress. Gravatar support included along with automatic thumbnail resizer. Version:1.0 Author:Michael Jubel Hutagalung Author URI:https://michaelhutagalung.com/2008/05/arthemia-magazine-blog-wordpress-theme-released/ The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GPL: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php */ /* HTML Elements */ * {margin:0;padding:0} body {font:100% Arial, Helvetica;background:#fff;color:#333} p {margin:15px 0} a:link, a:visited {color:#3c78a7;text-decoration:none} a:hover, a:active {color:#3c78a7;text-decoration:underline} a img {border:0} code {font:1.0em 'Courier New', Courier, Fixed;background:#ececec} acronym, abbr, span.caps {font-size:0.9em;letter-spacing:.07em;cursor:help} acronym, abbr {border-bottom:1px dashed #999} blockquote {padding:10px 10px 0 10px;border-top:1px solid #ddd;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;background:#eee;font:1.0em Arial;line-height:1.5em;margin:10px 0px} select {width:130px} /* Structure */ #head {width:960px;margin:0px auto;margin-top:15px;padding:0px;font-size:0.7em} #page {width:940px;margin:0px 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#page-bar li ul { z-index: 1; }
to the very end of stylesheet.css
Thanks Yani, I’ll try this out.
Also, when I click on the calendar events, there’s no content showing in the content posts – will I just have to recreate each event post, or is there any way of retrieving this data?
Many thanks again!
Yani, the stylesheet css change you suggested worked perfectly – thanks for your advice and expertise! The only thing I still need to resolve is to recover, or, recreate the various event posts – do you know whether these can be recovered?
Final question, would you advise I leave the current plugin version alone, or is it ‘safe’ to proceed with the latest (1.8.3) upgrade?
It is safe to upgrade to 1.8.3 – it is actually recommended that you upgrade.
I’ll look into the single event post tomorrow. These should be working.Thanks Yani, that would be great.
Another issue that’s emerged is that when you click on a calendar event and go to the event post (with content missing), and then try to go back to the calendar page, the calendar vanishes until the browser (iPhone/safari) is refreshed.
Hi Yani, any update on recovery of missing event posts? Thanks
I updated the ticket on help.time.ly
Everything is working perfectly with the calendar and I congratulate you for your work! But I have a little question .. inside the content of each event, the text can not be copied, in fact it seems that all content is blocked, because even with the inspector firefox I can not select it. The plugin has not this feature?
thank you!
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