Ok.. it’s a technical solution that involves hardcoding the plugin, but it works until the next revision. I really like the output of this plugin, but HAD to hide a couple categories due to my customized WP categories.
You’ll need to know your category IDs..
Edit the plugin sf.php file and around line 861 you’ll see before that
foreach($results as $result)
My categories to hide were 10 and 13, so my code that I inserted at that point is:
$catoutofloop = get_the_category($result->ID);
$catID = ($catoutofloop[0]->term_id );
if ( ($catID != "10") && ($catID != "13") )
You’ll then need to close your if statement, so find around line 950 at this point
$posts[] = $pst;
And add one more closing backet after that, so the updated code will end:
$posts[] = $pst;
return $posts;
I hope this helps someone. The developer told me this will be in the next release.