[Plugin: Ajaxize] Whats the function namne for this plugin? HELP
Can someone help me find the function namne in this plugin? the code i add to my theme is: <? wp_days_ago(); ?>
i couldnt find any help in the plugin documentary.
function wp_days_ago ($mode = 0, $prepend = “”, $append = “”,
$texts = array(“Today”, “Yesterday”, “One week ago”, “days ago”, “year”,
“years”, “ago”, “day ago”, “days ago”, “Just now”, “One minute ago”, “minutes ago”, “1 hour ago”, “hours ago”, “Some time in the future”)) {$days = round((strtotime(date(“Y-m-d”, gmmktime() + (get_option(‘gmt_offset’) * 3600))) – strtotime(date(“Y-m-d”, get_the_time(“U”)))) / 86400);
$minutes = round((strtotime(date(“Y-m-d H:i”, gmmktime() + (get_option(‘gmt_offset’) * 3600))) – strtotime(date(“Y-m-d H:i”, get_the_time(“U”)))) / 60);
$output = $prepend;
if($minutes < 0) {
$output .= $texts[14];
} else if($mode == 0 && $minutes < 1440) {
if($minutes == 0) {
$output .= $texts[9];
} else if($minutes == 1) {
$output .= $texts[10];
} else if($minutes < 60) {
$output .= $minutes . ” ” . $texts[11];
} else if($minutes < 120) {
$output .= $texts[12];
} else {
$output .= floor($minutes / 60) . ” ” . $texts[13];
} else {
if($days == 0)
$output = $output . $texts[0];
elseif($days == 1)
$output = $output . $texts[1];
elseif($days == 7)
$output = $output . $texts[2];
else {
$years = floor($days / 365);
if($years > 0) {
if($years == 1)
$yearappend = $texts[4];
$yearappend = $texts[5];$days = $days – (365 * $years);
if($days == 0)
$output = $output . $years . ” ” . $yearappend . ” ” . $texts[6];
else if($days == 1)
$output = $output . $years . ” ” . $yearappend . “, ” . $days . ” ” . $texts[7];
$output = $output . $years . ” ” . $yearappend . “, ” . $days . ” ” . $texts[8];
} else {
$output = $output . $days . ” ” . $texts[3];
}$output = $output . $append;
echo $output;
}add_filter(‘Posts’, ‘wp_days_ago’);
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