Heya TexassCLetus,
I found some code that helped me created a working solution – note that this requires hacking the plugin. I will submit this to the author to hopefully include in an update.
I was having a similar problem in that Javascript loaded by AJAX does not parse, thus rendering it useless. I ran into the problem with the Vipers Video plugin not loading properly in pages loaded by AJAX. Your problem should also be fixed by this solution.
I had to modify the javascript of AJAX Page Loader 1.5 file “ajax-page-loader.js”, by replacing line 89:
// Loop through every script collected and eval it
for(var i=0; i<window.scripts.length; i++) {
try {
catch(ex) {
// do what you want here when a script fails
and then adding the following function at the end:
function parseScript(_source) {
var source = _source;
var window.scripts = new Array();
// Strip out tags
while(source.indexOf("<script") > -1 || source.indexOf("</script") > -1) {
var s = source.indexOf("<script");
var s_e = source.indexOf(">", s);
var e = source.indexOf("</script", s);
var e_e = source.indexOf(">", e);
// Add to scripts array
window.scripts.push(source.substring(s_e+1, e));
// Strip from source
source = source.substring(0, s) + source.substring(e_e+1);
// Return the cleaned source
return source;
I found the code for this solution here: