[Plugin: AJAX Login] al_template.php for wordpress 2.7
With help from here. I have created an al_template that is compatible with wordpress 2.7 for AJAX Login. ??
This template will say “Logged in as ‘you username here’ ” when you are logged in. I also made it so the username is a link to the dashboard. that way I could get rid the the meta widget. Logging out will take redirect you to the page you were last visiting.
To install, replace all code in “al_template.php” in “wp-content/plugins/ajax_login” with the coding below,
or save the coding below as “al_template.php” and place it in your current theme’s folder.You may need to edit this in order to make it match your theme. (I tested it with wordpress’s classic and default theme and they worked. But as we know not all themes work the same. ?? )
If you are using a Luckytheme.com theme. then all you should need to do is rename all “<h2></h2>” tags to “<h1></h1>”
Hope this works for ya! ??
Credit goes to Jonas Einarsson for making AJAX Login,
and forum members Branch and Infected for finding 2.7 compatible logout code.<?php /********************** This is the default template for AJAXLOGIN. Please do make a copy and put in your theme directory. Elements which always must exist: - The forms al_registerForm, al_loginForm and al_lostPassword - The message spans al_registerMessage, al_loginMessage and al_lostPasswordMessage Elements that must exist for the al_show****()-functions to work (recommended!) - al_loading - al_login - al_register - al_lostPassword Just follow the format of the original al_template.php and you should be safe. I know that the original does not conform to XHTML validation because of the <style>-tag. Just copy the styles you are using to your own CSS and you'll validate just fine. The surrounding <li> are only there for widget compability. ***********************/ ?> <?php global $user_ID, $user_identity; get_currentuserinfo(); if (!$user_ID) { /******* This part is drawn when user is NOT logged in. *******/ ?> <style type="text/css"> .al_nodisplay { display: none; } #al_loading, #al_register, #al_lostPassword { height: 175px; } #al_loginMessage, #al_registerMessage, #al_lostPasswordMessage { } #al_loadingImage { margin-top: 35px; } #al_login2 { margin-left: 20px; } </style> <div id="al_loading" class="al_nodisplay"> <div class="title"><h2>Loading...</h2> </div> <div style="height: 100%; text-align:center;"> <img id="al_loadingImage" alt="Loading..." src="<?php bloginfo( 'wpurl' ); ?>/wp-content/plugins/ajax-login/al_loading.gif"/> </div> </div> <div id="al_login"> <div class="title"> <h2>Login</h2></div> <div id="al_login2"> <form name="al_loginForm" onsubmit="return false;" id="al_loginForm" action="#" method="post"> <label><?php _e('User') ?>: <input onkeypress="return al_loginOnEnter(event);" type="text" name="log" value="" size="20" tabindex="7" /></label> <label><?php _e('Password') ?>: <input onkeypress="return al_loginOnEnter(event);" type="password" name="pwd" value="" size="20" tabindex="8" /></label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="forever" tabindex="9" /> <?php _e("Remember me"); ?></label> <input type="button" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Login'); ?> »" tabindex="10" onclick="al_login();"/> <span id="al_loginMessage"></span> <a href="javascript:al_showRegister();">Register</a> | <a href="javascript:al_showLostPassword();">Lost password?</a> </form> </div> </div> <div id="al_register" class="al_nodisplay"> <div class="title"><h2>Register</h2> </div> <div id="al_login2"> <form name="al_registerForm" onsubmit="return false;" id="al_registerForm" action="#" method="post"> <label><?php _e('User') ?>:<input onkeypress="return al_registerOnEnter(event);" type="text" name="user_login" value="" size="20" tabindex="7" /></label> <label><?php _e('E-mail') ?>: <input onkeypress="return al_registerOnEnter(event);" type="text" name="user_email" value="" size="20" tabindex="8" /></label> <input type="button" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Register'); ?> »" tabindex="10" onclick="al_register();"/> <span id="al_registerMessage">A password will be mailed to you.</span> <a href="javascript:al_showLogin();">Log in</a> | <a href="javascript:al_showLostPassword();">Lost password?</a> </form> </div> </div> <div id="al_lostPassword" class="al_nodisplay"> <div class="title"> <h2>Retrieve password</h2></div> <div id="al_login2"> <form name="al_lostPasswordForm" onsubmit="return false;" id="al_lostPasswordForm" action="#" method="post"> <label><?php _e('User') ?>:<input onkeypress="return al_retrievePasswordOnEnter(event);" type="text" name="user_login" value="" size="20" tabindex="7" /></label> <label><?php _e('E-mail') ?>: <input onkeypress="return al_retrievePasswordOnEnter(event);" type="text" name="user_email" value="" size="20" tabindex="8" /></label> <input type="button" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Retrieve'); ?> »" tabindex="10" onclick="al_retrievePassword();"/> <span id="al_lostPasswordMessage">A confirmation mail will be sent to your e-mail address.</span> <a href="javascript:al_showLogin();">Log in</a> | <a href="javascript:al_showRegister();">Register</a> </form> </div> </div> <?php } else { /******* This part is drawn when user IS logged in. *******/ ?> <div class="title"><h2>Logged in as <a href="<?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-admin/"><?php echo $user_identity; ?></a></h2></div> <ul><li> <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url('/wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>" title="Log out">Log out</a> </li> </ul> <?php } ?>
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