This is just incredible. You have created a calendar that is above and beyond what anyone could imagine. I am putting together a language learning site for our small little city and it will allow teachers and schools and clubs and anyone else involved in Language learning to post and promote their language events and contests. I am really really excited about this, you just have no idea.
I am however running into a small setback at the moment. I’ve installed the user capability manager and I’m trying to set it up that a ‘contributor’ can add an event. I also have the S2member plugin installed for future flexibility. In the capability options I have the following.(screenshot)
The problem is that when a user clicks on ‘add calendar event’ they are redirected to their mingle profile. Oh ya…I’m using the mingle social networking plugin also.
Any tips on what to ‘add’ to the mingle profile page? I’m thinking that there should be something tied in with their profile to add something to the calendar.
Thanks again for a WONDERFUL plugin.