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  • Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    Hi Andrew,

    You can install the Capability Manager plugin and add the “add_events” capability to the editor role.


    Thread Starter Ryan Andrews


    Thanks so much for the fast reply! That worked great. Is there a way that i can allow the editor to see and edit all calendar events, even those that they didn’t create themselves?

    THanks Again

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller



    At present the plugin is not setup to handle that need. I’ll look into modifing the code for the next release 0.9.8, depending on how invovled the change, you may have to wait a few weeks until the following release 0.9.9.


    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller



    The next release will include the flexibility you seek. A new capability will be added called “manage-events” – which permits a user to edit any event – can be assigned to any role via the capability manager plugin.

    I expect the release to be ready by this Thursday.

    Thread Starter Ryan Andrews


    Thanks! That is great news. I appreciate all the help!

    Ooh, this is just what I am needing. I was wanting to make a “calendar admin” role, so that I could let someone do anything to the calendar, but not be able to mess with the rest of the WP backend.



    This is just incredible. You have created a calendar that is above and beyond what anyone could imagine. I am putting together a language learning site for our small little city and it will allow teachers and schools and clubs and anyone else involved in Language learning to post and promote their language events and contests. I am really really excited about this, you just have no idea.

    I am however running into a small setback at the moment. I’ve installed the user capability manager and I’m trying to set it up that a ‘contributor’ can add an event. I also have the S2member plugin installed for future flexibility. In the capability options I have the following.(screenshot)

    The problem is that when a user clicks on ‘add calendar event’ they are redirected to their mingle profile. Oh ya…I’m using the mingle social networking plugin also.

    Any tips on what to ‘add’ to the mingle profile page? I’m thinking that there should be something tied in with their profile to add something to the calendar.

    Thanks again for a WONDERFUL plugin.


    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    Hi Doug,

    I don’t understand the problem you’re describing nor am I familiar with mingle, or what to do with a mingle profile page.

    I don’t really have time to address plugin conflicts, however, if you can provide a url to your site I’ll try to investigate and if the conflict is caused by my plugin I will do what I can to resolve the issue, otherwise I may simply suggest not using the other plugin.




    Oh my friend….how can you suggest ‘another’ plugin?!?! Yours is the best!!

    Ok, after doing what any “good” backyard-Wordpress’er should( I killed a couple of plugins and tried again) I found that there a conflict with the S2Members module. Not sure exactly why or how or anything as such but I know that I killed the mingle plugin and it still redirected to a ‘page’, titled profile, (mingle uses pages and not the wordpress user profile). When I killed the S2 plugin also, it worked. I reactivated Mingle and all is still ok.

    If any more bugs pop up or conflicts, I’ll be sure to let you know.




    AH ha…I forgot…and html or css issue, not sure which….Check out the screenshot.

    Also, is there anyway to get some formatting abilities for the events? Can’t seem to figure out how to do a ‘list’ of bullet points and such.

    Once again, thanks for a Great Plugin!


    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    You can edit the custom.css to adjust the event formatting.
    The .duration class allows you to change the style issue you’ve got in the screenshot.




    Oh Eran… a man of wise words… What did you say?

    I have NO idea what that means. css, I am familiar with. ‘classes’ I still don’t know anything about.

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    Here’s a resource you can use to learn more about css

    I’m having the same problem as EffortlessEnglishClubPl. There appears to be a conflict between Ajax Event Calendar and S2Member. I have installed the Members plugin suggested in another forum so that I could modify the S2Member roles to include aec_add_events and aec_manage_events but it still doesn’t work properly. When I’m logged in as Admin, the calendar works beautifully for me. But no one else can see the events I’ve posted and clicking the “Add Events” link takes them back to their homepage. Originally, the problem was that they couldn’t see the calendar at all. Since I did the Members fix, they can now see the calendar but not my events, nor can they add events of their own. Here’s the URL to my calendar page though I don’t know if you can see it b/c it’s login protected. So I’ll attach a couple of screenshots too. Oops…don’t see a way to attach here. Thanks for any help you can give! By the way, I’m using the calendar to reserve a school computer lab. So, I need a single calendar where all instructors can see all events and add/edit their own events.

    FYI: I decided to try the MyCalendar plugin instead. I don’t like it as well because it offers way too much detail in the add-event screen and I’m afraid it will confuse my users. But I’m having nearly the same problem. Users can see the calendar and the events and they have an “add events” button but when they click on it, again it takes them back to their homepage. I can’t find the necessary custom capability for MyCalendar to edit their roles but I doubt if doing that would help anyway as it didn’t help with the AjaxEventCalendar.

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