• Hi all,

    I’m working on adding this plugin and love it, except that I don’t think I’m getting the expected results with [eventlist]. The events load fine into my template, but when I click on them to see the details, nothing happens.

    (see “Upcoming Events)

    I assume this is some sort of jQuery issue. The event details loads fine from the calendar page on the back-end. I’ve disabled all other plugins but that doesn’t help.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


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  • Thread Starter jordanwarner


    Never mind – upon closer inspection, I realized there were no links at all in the eventlist. I was thrown off by the css being set to “cursor:pointer”, which made me think there was a link. I was able to get this to behave how I wanted by removing the pointer css. Thanks for a great plugin!

    Hi jordanwarner

    I am having the same problem.

    Your first assumption was right. You can click on the event in the eventlist and it will pop up with the event. It’s working in one of my wordpress site and it’s not working in the site I am currently working on.

    Anyone got a solution for this?


    More about this issue.
    The event is not a link but there is an onclick function:

    You can run the function in firebug console.

    In the working website when I run : jQuery.aecDialog({‘id’:2,’start’:’2012-03-18 00:00:00′,’end’:’2012-03-18 00:00:00′});
    The event details pop up.

    In the not working site when I run the same code:
    jQuery.aecDialog({‘id’:2,’start’:’2012-03-18 00:00:00′,’end’:’2012-03-18 00:00:00′});

    I got this:
    TypeError: jQuery.aecDialog is not a function

    The function is missing or unrecognized for some reason.

    Thread Starter jordanwarner


    Hi Ken,

    Just got this working (accidentally) a few days ago. I added <?php wp_head(); ?> right before the closing </head> tag and <?php wp_footer(); ?> right before the closing </body> tag. I guess that wasn’t included in my theme by default. Hope that helps.

    Hi Jordan

    Awesome, got it working! Thanks for sharing.
    In my theme, the wp_head() was at the right place but the wp_footer() was just above a Javascript away from </body>, after I moved it down just above </body> it worked. ??

    Hi jordan and ken, i have same issue. this codes, where i have to put exactly ? which file is that ?

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