Nothing appeared when I was clicking on events in dashboard or public page. Also got the timePicker issue described above.
IE and FF were complaining about something “Not implemented” in JScript console. It was the “removeExpression” method used in the js library jquery.simplemodal.1.4.3.min.js
I went on Eric Martin GitHub repository (original coder of the simplemodal library)
and found a new version (1.4.4). I tried to replace the current 1.4.3 version by this new one, but with no success: same effects, same cause..
Looking in the Issues thread on the repository, I’d found this post from redaxmedia that talk about this specific problem.
So I downloaded the redaxmedia’s fixed version of 1.4.4 and it works!
How to install it?
Enter the “js” directory in ajax calendar plugin:
cd wp-content/plugins/ajax-event-calendar/js
Download and rename the fixed version from redaxmedia repo:
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/redaxmedia/simplemodal/raw/master/src/jquery.simplemodal.js -O jquery.simplemodal.1.4.99.js
Edit the ajax event calendar main php file:
nano wp-content/plugins/ajax-event-calendar/ajax-event-calendar.php
And replace this line:
wp_register_script('simplemodal', AEC_URL . 'js/jquery.simplemodal.1.4.3.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.4.3', true);
by this line:
wp_register_script('simplemodal', AEC_URL . 'js/jquery.simplemodal.1.4.99.js', array('jquery'), '1.4.99', true);
Flush your browser cache and that’s it!
I confirm that I can edit events or pick dates with the various browsers I mentionned above.
(Note: For the sake of simplicity, I didn’t described how to “minify” the js file but gOOgle is your friend on this..)