• bloggersavvy


    This plugin has some issues that need to be addressed:

    1) It breaks in WP 2.7+ (2.7.1) blogs (the front end that is).

    2) Usage instructions are incorrect and reference links are broken.

    3) There is no way (I can find) to specify the exact positions of ads.

    Sorry, to say, but for now stay away from this plugin unless you are a stronger php coder.

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  • mattggeier


    1) It breaks in WP 2.7+ (2.7.1) blogs (the front end that is).

    Personally I’ve been using the Ad-Manager in 2.7.1 for two weeks (even in Beta) – You can see the use here. – thesalescorner.us/blog – So it does work.

    2) Usage instructions are incorrect and reference links are broken.

    Reference Links are broken, I concur.

    3) There is no way (I can find) to specify the exact positions of ads.

    You can ad the ad’s into your template etc buy using the following which is how I’ve specified where I want the ad’s to show – Just insert this into wherever you want the ad to show (you know this already I’m sure)

    <?php adsensem_ad(‘YOURADNAMEHERE’); ?>




    The usage instructions and reference links will be updated shortly. There are a number of sites that are using Advertising Manager successfully, in both WordPress v2.7 and earlier versions.

    Please let me know what issues you are having, so they can be fixed.

    Many thanks,



    Hi guys.
    I just installed the plugin on a relatively fresh wp 2.7.1 blog and i am getting mostly blank screens.

    The “ads” link under the “Settings” menu works

    The “Edit” link under the “Ads” menu returns blank

    The “create new” gives me an text box to paste the ad code, but nothing happens when i paste my adsense code.

    oh… and i cannot see anything that resembles the screenshots

    Please help



    There were some issues with the menu items. Thanks exit15 and klagreca for the feedback. A corrected version is live – try it now!




    Thanks Scott. It worked.
    I copied recently changed files from the repository. It will be nice if you update the WP plugin download so that others don’t experience the same issue. Also, it will be nice to zip the trunk and place a fresh copy in the https://code.openx.org/projects/list_files/advertising-manager

    thanks a bunch




    Ari –

    Thanks for the tips – just getting a feel for how to ‘behave nicely’ in the WordPress world. There is a new version up there, so everyone will have the latest.

    Will now place the files in the place you suggest.




    Hi Scott, first of all for your work and for your spiffy ideas:-)
    I still have problems, even after the update from today.
    Is it possible, that I have to change the cmod permissions on some files?
    I see the field: Add new code – I enter it – I hit import and nothing happens.
    I can’t see in the Dashboard any editing functions either.
    In the individual posts, I see the “adsense” dropdown, but only see the “default ad”, that’s why I wondered if it has anything to do with the “cmod” settings.
    Thanks again and have a smiling day:-)!




    Sounds like you may have an old version. Does the Advertising Manager plug-in on the plug-in screen say ‘v3.3.9’? If so, can you please let me know the version of WordPress you are using? Also, have you use Adsense Manager or Adsense Deluxe previously?




    Thanks for your quick reply Scott. I just checked it is the 3.3.9 version. I did not use any Adsense Manager PlugIn before.
    Regarding the WordPress Version, it’s the newest one 2.7.1



    Scott, it’s me again……it’s working now…it didn’t work after the update, because I didn’t use my eyes. After looking at your screenshots and following them – I imported one new ad and all seems to work just fine.
    You are great – Thank you for it – Yes I will make a donation soon.

    P.S. In case you write a plug in “Matts Eyes” kindly let me know ??



    Matt – great to hear. I will let you know the progress on the ‘Matts Eyes’ plug-in ??

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