Open up <a href="">adv-most-recent.php</a>
and make the following changes:
(the line numbers I reference are all from the unchanged file)
Replace line 385, looks like
$posts = get_posts($query); //get posts
With this:
$posts = get_posts($query); //get posts
$total = count($posts); //using count instead of $shownum in case there are fewer posts
$cols = 5;
$rows = ceil($total/$cols);
$cols should reflect the number of columns you actually want (sorry, I haven’t added a nice input field to the widget for this)
Replace line 392, looks like
foreach ($posts as $post) {
With this:
$c = 0; //li counter
$x = 1; //ul counter
foreach ($posts as $post) {
Replace line 458, looks like
}// end foreach()
With this:
if ($c%$rows == 0 && $c != $total) {
$postlist .= '</ul><ul class="advanced-recent-posts col-'.$x.' '. $cat_slug .'">';
}// end foreach()
And lastly, change lines 465-467 which look like
echo '<ul class="advanced-recent-posts">' . $postlist . '</ul>';
return '<ul class="advanced-recent-posts">' . $postlist . '</ul>';
To this:
echo '<ul class="advanced-recent-posts col-1">' . $postlist . '</ul>';
return '<ul class="advanced-recent-posts col-1">' . $postlist . '</ul>';