• I did the auto-upgrade to version 3.2.13 the other day. It started displaying a bunch of ads to fight global warming where there were relevant ads before. Also, only 1 ad shows per page.

    Previously, my pages were displaying ads that were extremely relevant to the pages the ads were on. Not the case anymore. I only realized this after noticing my adsense revenue tanked.

    Any ideas Martin? I downgraded to version 3.1.0 and everything works fine.

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  • Same here…..

    Hi check your AdSense IDs are correct in case they were lost in the upgrade (shouldn’t have been, but has happened): that’s the biggest cause of problems with irrelevant ads (doesn’t link to your account).

    If anyone has a site where 3.2.13 is running with problems point me at it and I’ll have a look asap: but bear in mind I’m currently sitting exams (9 in the next 2 weeks) so it may take a little longer than usual to get back to you!

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Thread Starter tlongren


    Martin, I just upgraded to 3.2.13 at https://www.longren.org. I went to Ad Units under than Manage tab in WordPress admin and my account ID was blank. Didn’t seem to make it through the upgrade.

    I put my account ID in there and saved changes and all started working as expected. No more PSA ads from google.


    Me too!

    Same problem here after updating the plugin…

    Actually I downgraded to the previous version and ads are showing again ??

    I just upgraded WP to 2.6 and adsense to 3.2.13.
    I have checked that my adsense code is in the “network settings” and also tried to ad a new AD, but no help.

    at https://www.usken.no I can see that it makes room for the ads, but none are shown… I also tried the old <!–…. syntax but no help.

    I tried delete adsense-manager, and re-install it, but no luck…
    I do get an error message when I activate and deactivate the plugin:
    Table 'wpau_active_plugins_info' already exists on line: 1426

    Any ideas of wht to do further would be greatly appreciated!


    I believe this error may be related to the ‘WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin’. Try deactivating the plugin and see if the problem remains.

    Martin, first of all, thanks for the great plugin.

    See if you can help me. Everytime I upgrade WordPress I have to delete the plugin_adsensem option from MySQL, and thus start everything over from scratch.

    Right now if I go into Settings/Addsense-Manager it shows the basic Getting Started screen, with only the option to change the Be-Nice %. Changing the Be-Nice doesn’t work, it always goes back to 3%.

    In manage Ad-Units I get at the following error at the top, and no widgets at all:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/httpd/vhosts/cafe-ti.blog.br/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/adsense-manager/class-admin.php on line 451

    If I try to import one of my ads from Google Adsense I get:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/httpd/vhosts/cafe-ti.blog.br/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/adsense-manager/class-admin.php on line 451

    Warning: uksort(): The argument should be an array in /home/httpd/vhosts/cafe-ti.blog.br/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/adsense-manager/class-admin.php on line 228
    Edit ‘ Fatal error: Call to undefined function: network() in /home/httpd/vhosts/cafe-ti.blog.br/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/adsense-manager/class-admin.php on line 684

    I’ve sent you the options from MySQL so you can check it out.
    Shall we try to make it work this time?

    PS: I’ve tried a ?adsensem-revert-db=2 and got nothing… then just tried a ?adsensem-revert-db=3 before posting this and it looks like that it is all alive again!
    [update – a few minutes later…]
    Only lost a couple of adsenses, but those were easy to importa again from Google.

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