• I have done absolutely everything and read every article. I have used just /avatars and the image doesn’t show, then in order for it to upload not using legacy mode you need the path /public_html/avatars and that doesn’t show the image either.

    It will upload every time but will not show! Just shows a fail image looking picture which is super annoying. Any feedback?

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  • My experience is about the same as yours.

    Same experience here. I just downloaded the latest update today but it’s still broken. At least the update fixed the admin bar issue.

    Correction: My issue was actually somewhat different, and I was able to work around it by tweaking the code some.

    I also have this problem! The avatars are being uploaded correctly and I can see them in the avatars folder. But somehow they won’t show up on the blog page.

    Same thing here. Using 3.1 I can’t seem to upload an image no matter what I do. I can get it to error out saying “folder does not exist”, but that’s it the only other result is that it appears to work I can even see the file is uploaded into the proper folder when I look via my FTP client, but the image will not show up in the edit user area or on the front-end.

    Is everyone else using WP 3.1? Or is this a problem with other versions of WP? Because the plugin says its compatible up through 3.0.5. So I’m wondering if the dev just needs to make some tweaks for 3.1. I believe that the normal image uploader received some tweaks for 3.1.

    I am using 3.1

    The best I could tell, somehow the code’s effort to test for the existence of the uploaded file … failed. The plugin threw an error code that gets displayed, however, the file does get uploaded, and it does get displayed.

    It’s been a while, but I think I tweaked the code to ignore the failed test.

    No, the pictures are definitely not showing up.

    Was referring to our experience, as the poster above had asked about it. ??

    One plugin I worked with recently would not work if it had been “network activated” but it worked fine on a multisite network if it was activated on each blog individually. I cannot remember for sure if it was this one. — revised to say: I think it was AMR-list plugin. Sorry.

    I’m running it on a single WP install. No multi-site. And I can’t get it to work for anything. Anyone heard from the dev? If there’s an update coming out?

    SidianMSJones and Tevya:

    I know your issues could be unrelated, and your setups are different, but the questions are the same for both:

    What kind of hosting are you on?

    Where did you put your “avatars” folder?

    Did you set permissions on it using CHMOD? What permissions?

    How do you have your options set up in the wp-admin? (Tools > Avatars)

    The only problems I ran into with this plugin were:

    1. It detects multisite mode, and tells me to install the plugin in the mu-plugins folder, but doing so does not work, and the plugin developer later told me that should not be done. Apparently it is an old bit of code. I simply ignore than warning.

    2. It claims the avatar was not uploaded when in fact it was. I tweaked the code to disable that false alarm.

    I suspect you are dealing with either a path issue or a permissions issue.

    BTW: the plugin author was very kind to reply to my emails, and he always replied promptly and with helpful info.

    Anyone heard from the dev? If there’s an update coming out?

    The recent update addressed the release of WP 3.1 and its new admin bar.

    Here is a thread where I chronicled my issues getting started.


    At first I had created my “avatars” folder somewhere beside the web root. At that point the avatars were getting uploaded, but were not showing. When I then moved the avatars folder to the web root (and edited the plugin settings to match) they started showing. This was of course after permissions were set properly on the folder.

    Notice also that I have enabled the option under the path, called:

    Or, use legacy (v7.3 and lower) $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] method , this option often helps when using sub-domains.

    So the avatars can go in a folder, but that folder must be in the web root? I’ll try that and see what happens. But to me, that’s still a bug that needs fixing in the plugin itself. Why would you give a field to set that, but then require it to be in a certain place? The only flexibility would be the name of the folder itself.

    Path issues can be tricky, and there can be variances from host to host. When dealing with a free plugin, I take bugs for granted, and I’m happy if I can find a work around and get it working. The plugin author may or may not know all the WP codex and its tools, but I know that many know more than I. You’re perhaps right that it is something that better code could address, but in the absence of better code, at least the part that works can be used. ??

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