• Resolved keyboardji



    I got AD Integration 1.0-RC4 setup on my site, however when a user account is created it is not pulling in all of the data. Only the samaccount name is displayed. As you can see below I’m receiving an LDAP search error.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    AD Integration Logon Test
    openLDAP installed
    [INFO]   method authenticate() called
    [INFO]   ------------------------------------------
             PHP version: 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.14
             WP  version: 3.1
             ADI version: 1.0-RC4 (201103181213)
             OS Info    : Linux wordpress 2.6.24-28-virtual #1 SMP Wed Nov 24 10:38:58 UTC 2010 i686
             Web Server : apache2handler
             adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 Extended (201102221155)
    [INFO]   loading options (WPMU) ...
    [NOTICE] username: theuser
    [DEBUG]  password: thepassword
    [INFO]   Options for adLDAP connection:
             - account_suffix: @thedomain.com
             - base_dn: ou=users,dc=thedomain,dc=com
             - domain_controllers: win2008dc1.thedomain.com;pdxdc1.thedomain.com;win2008dc3
             - ad_username:
             - ad_password:
             - ad_port: 389
             - use_tls: 0
    [INFO]   Bind User not set and will not be used.
    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO]   max_login_attempts: 3
    [INFO]   users failed logins: 1
    [NOTICE] Authentication successfull
    [NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user "theuser"
    [INFO]   user role:
                 [0] => cn
                 [1] => givenname
                 [2] => sn
                 [3] => displayname
                 [4] => description
                 [5] => mail
                 [6] => samaccountname
    Warning:  ldap_search() [function.ldap-search]: Search: No such object in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/active-directory-integration/ad_ldap/adLDAP.php on line 1039
    Warning:  ldap_get_entries(): supplied argument is not a valid ldap result resource in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/active-directory-integration/ad_ldap/adLDAP.php on line 1040
    [DEBUG]  USERINFO[0]: 
    [NOTICE] Creating user 'theuser' with following data:
             - email: [email protected]
             - first name:
             - last name:
             - display name: theuser
             - role:
    [DEBUG]  Setting random password.
    [NOTICE]  - user_id: 42
    [DEBUG]  cn =  / type = string / meta key = adi_cn
    [DEBUG]  givenname =  / type = string / meta key = adi_givenname
    [DEBUG]  sn =  / type = string / meta key = adi_sn
    [DEBUG]  displayname =  / type = string / meta key = adi_displayname
    [DEBUG]  description =  / type = string / meta key = adi_description
    [DEBUG]  mail =  / type = string / meta key = adi_mail
    [DEBUG]  samaccountname =  / type = string / meta key = adi_samaccountname
    User logged on.
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  • Plugin Author glatze


    Strange. Don’t know what is going on here. Is there something special with your AD Servers?

    I have a similar issue. All the AD data, including displayname, that I want to use comes up as empty. The entries are not empty in AD. I get logged in, but I can’t use display name. Using 1.1.2 version of the plugin on WP 3.0

    [NOTICE] Updating user "uname" with following data:
    - email : [email protected]
    - first name :
    - last name :
    - display name : uname
    - account suffix:
    - role :
    [NOTICE] - user_id : 4
    [NOTICE] Setting local password to the one used for this login.
    [DEBUG] cn is empty. Local value of meta key adi_cn left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] givenname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_givenname left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] sn is empty. Local value of meta key adi_sn left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] displayname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_displayname left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] description is empty. Local value of meta key adi_description left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] mail is empty. Local value of meta key adi_mail left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] samaccountname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_samaccountname left unchanged.
    [DEBUG] userprincipalname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_userprincipalname left unchanged.
    Plugin Author glatze


    Ok… What is your AD Server (Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2003R2, 2008, 2008R2)?

    You can send me ([email protected]) the whole output of the test tool (with debug enabled) and I’ll check it (don’t forget to change security relevant information if you do so).

    Windows 2008 R2, SP1, 64bit. Patched through the last Super Tuesday. I assume debugging is already on, since there are [DEBUG] statements prepended on some lines. Let me know if there’s something else I should turn on. Thanks!

    [Debug moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin or email it to the plugin dev directly as requested.]

    Thanks to glatze for a quick resolution. In my case, it was removing the OU from the base DN in the server configuration tab, so that I just had dc=corp,dc=domainname,dc=local.

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