• I would like to use DMCA sender, but am confused. Please add more explanation for non-developers about the plug-in. Where exactly does this plugin show up on my WordPress website when installed, if at all. I have a product purchase page and after it’s purchased also a download page. Also I have free blogs and articles. Who to you send the notice to? DMCA, a purchaser, or a copyright violator website hacker? If a purchaser shares my copyrighted PDF with a friend, do they get an email, too? Am I also notified? What is a warez link?
    My material was stolen and listed on donnaplay.com and bringbook.com, https://prodigal2hang.bringbook.org, booksedgeways.org. Are these websites that you notify that they’re infringing my work, or you just report them to DMCA. DMCA won’t do anything unless they are paid to take down the content. What are warez links? What do I do with them?
    THank you for your help. Your answers will help others unfamiliar with your software.


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