Can you at least share with me how I can modify the code to do this myself? I actually do optimize images that are “featured images” because I understand how important they are for this plugin to operate, and for sites like Facebook to grab them. Google Plus, and LinkedIn have no issue, but Facebook is picky… Medium images are always 300px wide. That’s default. They are not always 300px tall. That’s not default.
Images that take the place of featured images are almost always wider than they are tall. It just looks better. When my full size image width is 1200, and the height is less than 800px (as it frequently is, on something as basic and standard as VIDEO thumbnails), it gets resized to have a width of 300px (WordPress standard), and a height of whatever keeps it proportionate. Calculating that up, my height is now less than 200px for Facebook, and they need 200px.
So if such a simple thing isn’t going to be implemented, at least tell me how I can change the code myself to allow it to work and serve its function correctly, if you won’t provide a simple checkbox in the options to do so.