• Resolved Eli


    Today, I went to check my downloads reports, and I’m greeted with a message that reads: Please upgrade the database in order to further use Download Monitor’s Reports page. However, there’s no button to click on links to any configuration or explanation on what to do to upgrade the database.

    What Am I missing here?

    Also since upgrading to this version we had a massive difference in our download count, it went from 66190 downloads on our main product down to only 14047! What’s wrong? How do I fix the download count? I no longer see an option to manually alter the download count displayed.

    For the time being, we are downgrading to the previous version until we find ways to fix these issues.

    In years using this plugin is the first time we experience problems with it.


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Eli.
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  • Hey @realact ,

    Regarding the upgrade procedure, there should be a notice that presents 2 links and a button to be clicked for the procedure to start ( https://imgur.com/a/4S3t4pK ). Is this missing on your end?

    Regarding the download count, please see these tickets ( a & b ) as we explained there what happened and the direction we are going with ( also a release post will be deployed soon where we’ll explain in more details the 4.6.x update ).


    Thread Starter Eli


    @raldea89 Hi there,

    No, like I said above, there was no “Please Click Here to upgrade your database” link anywhere on my end. The ONLY message I could see was: “Please upgrade the database in order to further use Download Monitor’s Reports page.”

    The reading you suggested regarding the issue with the download count I had already done, as a matter of fact. I had already tried what you suggested here.

    After doing that the download count went overboard, to a crazy number which is really above what was expected, also after doing that I tested downloading one product several times to see how the new counter worked, and the number would NOT change at all.

    Even clearing the cache did not work. So this solution did not work for us. We are now stucked with outdated software, truly sad for a plugin I had in such high regard and which I have suggested to so many people and posted reviews about in so many places.

    To be honest, it might not be what you intended, but your reply there came across as: We don’t care if things don’t work for you, this is what we have, take it or leave it.

    Plugin Author Cristian Raiber


    @realact – Hey,

    Cristian, stepping in for my colleague, @raldea89. He wasn’t trying to say: “we don’t care”, he was rather pointing to existing explanations of why certain things might now work differently than they used to.

    I am sorry if it came that way but his intention was not that. We care about our users and their feedback, as you can see from all the support threads here. I simply gave you links to some tickets where I he how the new Reports/Logging system work and how you can take into consideration the Download’s post meta into the download count.

    The reason for which your download count went overboard is because, after you enabled those filters, the number was composed from the following: the number in the post meta ( 66190 ) and the number of logs entries for the said Download ( 14047 ). So it should be at around 80237 if I’m correct. As I suggested to our other users, it would be best to clear the download_log table ( so 0 logs ) and start from scratch ( you already removed the previous logs from what I understand so I don’t think it would be such a problem? ).
    This way the download count would be the true count.

    Now, because something happened with the notice ( don’t really know why ) and the upgrade procedure did not make happen, we assume that there is an error in the logging system ( happened to another client ).

    Is it possible to create a test download and give us a link to a page to see if this is the case?

    I have the same problem After updating to 4.6.2.
    The number of download would NOT change at all.

    Hey @big45454646 ,

    Could you please give a link to a page with a Download on it?


    Thread Starter Eli


    @cristianraiber-1, I don’t recall cleaning my logs no, So if I clean my logs and use the method posted here will my download count go back to normal?

    I cannot give you a sample link right now, because honestly, I don’t feel confident installing the plugin again and updating my databases etc after seeing all the issues I experienced with it and the experiences of others. What if things break really bad, and I cannot go back to the previous version?

    Hey @realact ,

    If your logs were only partial ( if you deleted them in the past ), cleaning the logs and using the method posted there should take your download count back to normal. And from there on the download count will rely on the entries from the {prefix}dlm_download_log table + the previous set download count meta of each Download.

    We DO NOT delete anything in the 4.6.x update, we only add some columns to the {prefix}dlm_download_log table and create the new table {prefix}dlm_reports_log ( this is based on the {prefix}dlm_download_log table ). Going back to version 4.5.99 from 4.6.x should not impose a problem. Nevertheless, a database backup should be created, so that you’d have something to go back to.

    Hope this info clears some things and if you need more info please let us know.


    Thread Starter Eli


    @raldea89 waited a while to try this again, hoping most of the issues would have been solved by now, being that you have released multiple updates after we had this conversation. However, my issues are still happening.

    The only improvement is that this time I actually saw the bottom to upgrade the databases (It was not present before for me, as you might remember). I tried this, deleting the logs before the upgrade (If I upgraded without deleting them, I would no longer see the menu entry for logs on Download Manager.) Btw when you say delete logs, you are referring to THIS right?

    After deleting the logs and updating, I went ahead and performed the recommended procedure HERE. However, my download counts were not where they were supposed to be.

    Before the plugin upgrade, the download count for our main product was 66585, after the upgrade and suggested steps, the download count on that product was 14445. As you can see, a big difference.

    So as you can see it did not go back to normal as you have suggested. How can I upgrade this plugin to the current version without it messing up our total download counts?

    Please advise.

    Thread Starter Eli


    Additionally, I also received this error from WordPress:

    Detalles del error
    Se ha producido un error del tipo E_ERROR en la línea 196 del archivo /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/DLM.php. Mensaje de error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘DLM_Search’ not found in /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/src/DLM.php:196
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/includes/bootstrap.php(10): WP_DLM->__construct()
    #1 /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/includes/bootstrap.php(17): download_monitor()
    #2 /home/account/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): _load_download_monitor(”)
    #3 /home/account/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #4 /home/account/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #5 /home/account/public_html/wp-settings.php(480): do_action(‘plugins_loaded’)
    #6 /home/account/public_html/wp-config.php(88): require_once(‘/home/_accounts…’)
    #7 /home/account/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/_accounts…’)
    #8 /home/account/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(

    Hello @realact ,

    Could you please open another support ticket so we can discuss it there?

    Lot’s of things have changed since our talk, now the 2 filters I was referring to are enabled by default and the total count should now be the former logs + Download’s post meta ( previous changeable download count, now the Manual Count option ).

    Feels it is better to open another support ticket so that maybe other people seeing this could get help. Also, please mention in the newly created ticket a link to this one se we can have more info.


    Thread Starter Eli


    @raldea89 I will do this when I have returned from work, but I have now deleted the logs, does that mean there’s no way to have my total count fixed now?

    The total count should now go to the former download count ( so prior to 4.6.0 ), the one that is based on meta values from the Downloads. Wondering what version of the plugin you are using.


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