Please tell me how to move submenu here……
Hi all.
Please see
How can I move the submenu on the right to be in one row underneath the top menu with a blue background?
Nothing I do seems to work. I have tried cutting the relevant code from sidebar.php and pasting it into header.php but it doesnt seem to work.
Please help if possible as this is really holding me back.
Thanks a lot
Please see
That is exactly what I am trying to achieve, I hope you can help!
Anyone?? I thought this was a really active forum?
A) You’ve bumped your post twice in under 2 hours. Thus ensuring that most helpers will skip it as we often start by looking for unanswered posts.
B) Sometimes volunteer helpers sleep.
C) Heck, sometimes it takes more than 2 hours for somebody who has an answer to wander by and help.
Patience, Mr. Gary. Patience!
I’m being patient !
You’ll need to re-design the header… Adding Navigation to Your Header on that page. Between that and checking your current header.php you should be able to get somewhere…
Thanks for the link, however it doesnt really help me.
Well the site i have linked to used pages as opposed to posts.
I need it to look like the image i posted above.
Could you give any more information? I read the page you sent but it doesnt seem to help.
Well the site i have linked to used pages as opposed to posts.
Don’t understand that, the link in my post is about headers. I can’t see your header.php but what you need to change is likely there.
Are you looking for pointers to info about dynamic CSS menus (menu highlighting changes depending on page)?
Are you looking for someone else to write this for you?
If you look at the link I sent you, you will see there is a menu at the top.
What I need to know is, how can I have a submenu under the top menu (as in the second link I posted) so when a top menu link is clicked, the submenu for that link is shown.
I just need to know how to do it, ive been reading and searching literally all day.
i think you could be more rude, but i am not sure how. What you are asking for is pretty complicated. It doesn’t even work at the site you linked to. (there are errors on the page that prevent this for me in both firefox and IE).
It could be a couple of things but the site that you link to doesn’t have it anymore. Or it’s not working. Perhaps he is using sometype of flash (although I didn’t see that). It could be he is using a javascript. He could also be using a styleswitcher that loads a different stylesheet with a differen inline nav menu upon hovering over the top menus.
I can’t tell for sure and I would guess that the people who could are a bit turned off by your posts. just a guess though. good luck.
I dont see how is complicated. It alreadys exists and works fine, when you click on the performance link, the submenu appears on the left.
I just need to find a way to change that to horizontal and place it under the header.
Any suggestions?
The content of the sidebar.php are:
<hr />
<div class="secondary">
<div class="sb-search">
<?php global $notfound; ?>
<?php /* Creates a menu for pages beneath the level of the current page */
if (is_page() and ($notfound != '1')) {
$current_page = $post->ID;
while($current_page) {
$page_query = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ID, post_title, post_status, post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = '$current_page'");
$current_page = $page_query->post_parent;
$parent_id = $page_query->ID;
$parent_title = $page_query->post_title;if ($wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = '$parent_id' AND post_status != 'attachment'")) { ?>
</div><div class="sb-pagemenu">
<h2><?php echo $parent_title; ?></h2><ul>
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of='. $parent_id); ?>
<?php if ($parent_id != $post->ID) { ?>
<a>">Back to <?php echo $parent_title; ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } } ?><?php if (!is_home() && !is_page() && !is_single() or is_paged()) { ?>
<?php /* If this is the frontpage */ if (is_home() && !is_paged()) { ?>
<?php /* If this is a category archive */ } elseif (is_category()) { ?>
<?php printf( __('You are currently browsing the %1$s weblog archives for the '%2$s' category.'), '<a href="' . get_settings('siteurl') .'">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</a>', single_cat_title('', false) ) ?><?php /* If this is a day archive */ } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
You are currently browsing the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives for the day <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y'); ?>.<?php /* If this is a monthly archive */ } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
You are currently browsing the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives for <?php the_time('F, Y'); ?>.<?php /* If this is a yearly archive */ } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
You are currently browsing the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives for the year <?php the_time('Y'); ?>.<?php /* If this is a search page */ } elseif (is_search()) { ?>
You have searched the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives
for <strong>'<?php echo wp_specialchars($s); ?>'</strong>.<?php /* If this is an author archive */ } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
Archive for <strong><?php the_author(); ?></strong>.
<?php the_author_description(); ?><?php } elseif (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) { ?>
You are currently browsing the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives for <?php UTW_ShowCurrentTagSet("", array('first'=>'%tagdisplay%', 'default'=>', %tagdisplay%', 'last'=>' %operatortext% %tagdisplay%')); ?>.<?php /* If this is a paged archive */ } elseif (is_paged) { ?>
You are currently browsing the <a>"><?php echo bloginfo('name'); ?></a> weblog archives.<?php /* If this is a permalink */ } elseif (is_single()) { ?>
<?php next_post('%', 'Next: ','yes') ?><br/>
<?php previous_post('%', 'Previous: ' ,'yes') ?><?php /* If this is the frontpage */ } elseif (is_home()) { ?>
<?php echo stripslashes($k2about); ?><?php } ?>
<?php if (is_archive() or is_search()) { ?>
Longer entries are truncated. Click the headline of an entry to read it in its entirety.
<?php } ?>
</div><?php } ?>
<?php /* Show Asides only on the frontpage */ if (!is_paged() && is_home()) { $k2asidescategory = get_option('k2asidescategory'); $k2asidesnumber = get_option('k2asidesnumber'); if (get_option('k2asidesposition') != '0') { ?>
<div class="sb-asides"><h2><?php _e('Asides'); ?></h2>
<span class="metalink"><a>/?feed=rss&cat=<?php echo $k2asidescategory; ?>" title="RSS Feed for Asides" class="feedlink"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/feed.png" alt="RSS" /></a></span>
<?php $temp_query = $wp_query; // save original loop ?>
<div><?php /* Choose a category to be an 'aside' in the K2 options panel */ query_posts("cat=$k2asidescategory&showposts=$k2asidesnumber"); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); if (($k2asides != '0') && (in_category($k2asidescategory) && !$single)) { ?>
<p class="aside" id="p<?php the_ID(); ?>"><span>» </span><?php echo wptexturize($post->post_content) ?> <span class="metalink"><a>ID) ?>" rel="bookmark" title='Permanent Link to this aside'>#</a></span> <span class="metalink"><?php comments_popup_link('0', '1', '%', '', ' '); ?></span><?php edit_post_link('edit',' <span class="metalink">','</span>'); ?>
<?php /* End Asides Loop */ } endwhile; ?></div>
<?php $wp_query = $temp_query; // revert to original loop ?>
<?php } } ?><?php if ((function_exists('get_flickrRSS')) && is_home() && !(is_paged())) { ?>
<div class="flickr"><h2>flickr</h2><ul>
<?php get_flickrRSS(); ?>
<?php } ?><?php if ((function_exists('delicious')) && is_home() && !(is_paged()) ) { $k2deliciousname = get_option('k2deliciousname'); ?>
<div class="sb-delicious"><h2><a>" title="My links library"></a></h2>
<span class="metalink"><a>" title="RSS Feed for links" class="feedlink"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/feed.png" alt="RSS" /></a></span><?php delicious($k2deliciousname); ?>
<?php } ?><?php /* If this is the frontpage */ if ( (is_home()) && !(is_page()) && !(is_single()) && !(is_search()) && !(is_archive()) && !(is_author()) && !(is_category()) && !(is_paged()) ) { ?>
$links_list_exist = @$wpdb->get_var("SELECT link_id FROM $wpdb->links LIMIT 1");
if($links_list_exist) {
<div class="sb-links"><ul>
<?php get_links_list(); ?>
<?php } ?><!-- Commented out because it has little use for 99% of users.
<div class="sb-meta"><h2><?php _e('Meta'); ?></h2><ul>
<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
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<li><a href="">XFN</a></li>
<li><a href="">">WordPress</a></li>
<?php wp_meta(); ?>
</div>--><?php } ?>
<?php if ((function_exists('related_posts')) && is_single() && ($notfound != '1')) { ?>
<div class="sb-delicious"><h2>Related Entries</h2><ul>
<?php related_posts(10, 0, '
<li>', '</li>
', '', '', false, false); ?>
</div><?php } ?>
<?php if (is_single()) { ?>
<div class="socialbkmark"><h2>Social Bookmarking</h2><ul>
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<?php } ?></div>
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