Hi Chrisber,
I love your blog. I think that the design is refreshing, friendly, and easy on the eyes. I also really like your writing and your posts. I think it may be hard to produce large reader numbers without a more focused topic, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who will come back because they’ve enjoyed your blog — really nice work.
My only criticism is the bullet holes. They are fun, and I’m sure that there are a lot of people who will love them. The only reason I don’t like them is because I think they take away a little bit from your content. You content is thoughtful, mature, and interesting. You’ve tackled political topics, personal beliefs, and national crisis in your writing, and you’ve done a great job. When I see the bullet holes, I assume the blog belongs to a high-school kid blogging about video games — if I hadn’t been purposely taking a close look so that I could give a critique, I may have moved on when I saw the bullet-hole roll-overs without giving your strong content the attention it deserves.
One other very small criticism: the roll-over color on your sidebar items is so close to the background color that the words seem to disappear when I roll over them. It might be better if the rollovers were a different color so that the word stands out on a roll-over, instead of blending back into the background.
Sorry for the long post! All in all, a really, really nice blog. I’ll definitely be back to read more (and would be very interested if you end up coming up with some tasty healthy recipes in your new quest to eat healthfully – hopefully you’ll share them with your readers!)