Hi @zzanna, if this is something you still need assistance with translations without the use of another plugin, you can use these steps as a guide:
- Locate the “languages” folder in the plugin’s directory. This folder should contain a .pot file called “mc-woocommerce-newsletter.pot”.
- Use a translation tool such as Poedit to open the .pot file and translate the strings.
- Save the translated file as a .po file in the “languages” folder and give it the correct language code (for example, “es_ES.po” for Spanish).
- Use Poedit or a similar tool to generate a .mo file from the .po file. The .mo file is a compiled version of the .po file and is used by WordPress to display the translations.
- Place the .mo file in the “languages” folder and make sure it has the same name as the .po file (for example, “es_ES.mo”).
Once you have completed these steps, the plugin should display the translated strings when it is viewed in the chosen language. If you do not see the translations, you may need to update the plugin or deactivate and reactivate it to apply the changes.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.