• I am completely new to web site development. This is my first foray into HTML, CSS, RSS, PHP and the list goes on. I tried to validate the site and failed and I really have no idea why. Please give it the works. Also, I don’t like how the color scheme knocked out the hyperlinked color differentiation but I have no idea how to change this (I would like it to be blue or orange like the header). Thanks.

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  • ahem, site?

    Thread Starter mastreips


    OOPS – would help if I had the site listed huh?

    Boy, off to a great start!


    thx for doing this

    Thread Starter mastreips


    OK – I have generally figured out how to change the color for headers, links and hovers. Please comment on new color scheme – definitely open to suggestions.

    Don’t bump your post at every 45 minutes… it is considered rude; it is annoying (and some mean mods might be inclined to delete it!).

    hmm, took a look. I like the colors and all, you could widen your one column if you like, it takes up about at third of my screen, there’s a whole lot of dead space around it. It lookslike you have all the latest and greatest toys going already. Personally, I would make more differentiation between your bottom bar, where the feeds and everything are, it kinda bleeds from articles right into that stuff and I didn’t notice. Make sure you have you settings the way you want them so your bottom bar doesn’t run away as you add posts.
    Your left most top colum of links is overlapping part of your middle column.Your feed burner icon at the bottom is overlapping some text, I assume that is a CSS postition (absolute) type issue.
    For personal taste things, I would just use one or two feed buttons. Blog roll is nice, flickr – eh. your feeds within your blog are easy to just space out past, some color change would be nice there and maybe shorten the text, it’s a lot of grey to wiz past.

    that’s it for my nontechnical newbie ish eye.

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