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  • It really does look pretty neat. I would probably make a light version, white background etc.

    I guess it uses a few plugins as well.

    I would really like to help to get this theme available to the WP community.

    Please contact me.


    mudsugar – if you can just send me what you have to designpastor at gmail dot com.

    include all what you have so i can begin on it for the WP community.

    if this is not sufficient, i can setup an FTP folder that we can both have access to …

    The entire layout is in html. Is there someone willing to translate it into full css?

    “The majority of web surfers are on 1024×768, although there is still a fairly good-sized chunk of masochists holding out at 800×600.”

    That’s my experience as well. Although, the design at assumes that I will have my browser window at 1024×768 AND maximised as well (which I don’t), so we shouldn’t say that it’s optimised for 1024×768, should we? It seems to be optimised for at least 1280×1024. I wonder what percentage of web surfers use that these days?

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