• Resolved Clarus Dignus


    Please consider removing the “delete” button and replacing it with “trash” or at least provide both.

    I lost a significant amount of work and time when I accidentally deleted my home page when bulk deleting a series of test pages. I disabled the plugin expecting to find the page in trash but it was deleted permanently (and no, I hadn’t backed up recently enough)

    Granted, this is a human error alone but intelligent design anticipates and counters human errors such as mine.

    It’s a fantastic plugin. Take my request into consideration,


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  • Uncategorized Creations


    First, really sorry about the deletion.

    We already had feedback on the delete process in APM. Trash is not an option at the moment for both technical and design reasons.

    However, we wish to enhance et strengthen this process to avoid the kind of problem you had.

    It’s now a question of having the time to do it.


    Thread Starter Clarus Dignus


    A basic JavaScript OK/Cancel alert box would work just as well on the interim:

    if (confirm('Page(s) will be deleted permanently. Page(s) will not be sent to trash therefore restoration will not be possible. Are you sure you want to delete page(s)?  ')) {
        // PHP code here to delete page.
    } else {
        // Do nothing.

    Message boxes are ubiquitous to the admin area.

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