• Hey all,

    Please read and follow the below guidelines before opening a new thread:

    Asking for Support

    When asking for support please include as many details as possible. Describing the issues in detail will help us provide a useful answer quicker.

    Please also include the following information:

    • A link to your site
    • Messages, errors, etc. that are being displayed in your pages
    • The WP Simple Booking Calendar version you are using
    • The WordPress version you are using
    • The PHP version your WordPress website is running on

    Premium Support

    As this support forum is mostly meant for the free version of the plugin, we cannot offer you solutions for the premium version here.

    Also, if you have purchased our premium plugin please take into account that you have access to our priority support channel, which handles support tickets in a more timely manner. Please contact us here if you are already a customer: https://www.wpsimplebookingcalendar.com/contact/

    Best regards,
    The WP Simple Booking Calendar team

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