PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this infuriating admin notification system
It has been a long time happening, and too many asks for support: Woocommerce admin notifications that cannot be dismissed or keep reappearing on next page load.
I’ve got soooo many client sites with outdated Woocommerce admin notifications about upgrades or updating the database that can not be dismissed.
Not sure how or why this happens. Probably because the site owner does not understand the message or is afraid to act on it (initiate a plugin upgrade or database update can be daunting) or the human brain is just wired to ignore anything that does not make sense or is not related to the task at hand (when logging into a site admin) … In any case, the client gets frustrated or afraid there is something really wrong with their online shop and come complaining to me about it.
The messages probably date back to older Woocommerce versions — who knows, it’s not clear when they were issued — but they all have one thing in common: it’s impossible to get rid of them.
It has been too many years now and it keeps on happening.
Please FIX this! Or just revert back to the WP core admin message system.
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