• In a couple of places you’ve got this:
    $filtered_comments = sprintf( esc_html( _n( 'Showing %1$d of %2$d review (%3$d star). ', 'Showing %1$d of %2$d reviews (%3$d star). ', $all, IVOLE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ), $this->count_ratings( $product_id, $rating ), $all, $rating );
    The problem here is that _n() lets the translator adjust the string translation depending on a number for only ONE dimension, whereas you’ve included TWO or THREE dimensions, that all ought to be handled by _n().
    In Slavic languages, for instance, you’ll use three different word forms:
    1, 21, 31, 41… use “singular”.
    2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24… use “dual”,
    5-20, 25-30, 35-40… use “plural”.
    Here, you’ve arbitrarily chosen to let $all steer the choice of string.
    But “1 star” vs “2 stars” is different already in English.

    You should also add a // Translators: comment on the line before in order to clarify which variable steers the selection.

    Also: Text-domain should be the static string “customer-reviews-woocommerce” and not a variable.

    Also: please don’t take for granted that you always can “glue” parts of a sentence together in the same way as in English.
    Here’s one example (there are several similar cases in your code):
    'desc' => __( 'Enable manual sending of follow-up emails with a reminder to submit a review. Manual reminders can be sent for completed orders from <a href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_order' ) . '">Orders</a> page after enabling this option.', IVOLE_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
    Use printf() instead of the concatenation operator.
    In this case, a much better string to translate would have been:
    Enable manual sending of follow-up emails with a reminder to submit a review. Manual reminders can be sent for completed orders from %1$sOrders%2$s page after enabling this option.

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  • Plugin Author cusrev


    Thanks for pointing out these problems!

    We will get them fixed with the next update.

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